Dear Theodosia Reprise

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Me: Hey, everyone! Welcome to another episode of Musical Characters React...

Peggy: And Peggy!

(Screen goes to static and then comes back)

Me: Okay, take two! Welcome back to another episode of Musical Characters react live from our houses!

Anna of Cleves: I hope you guys are safe while you're getting down in your palaces!

Eliza: Please, PLEASE stay at home!

Me: Okay, what has everyone been doing while in quarantine?

Hamilton: I've been doing lots and lots of work...

Madison:...and we've been doing Zoom cabinet meetings... (shudders) They are SO chaotic!

Eliza: Yeah, from what I hear from Alex's room, I can tell.

Hamilton: That's because Jefferson's ego is too big to realize that I'm right!

Jefferson: Aw, shut up, Hamilton!

Hamilton: YOU shut up!

Eliza: Alex spent a good half hour cussing Jefferson out during one of those Zoom meetings...

Me: Oy vey...

Catherine Parr: The other queens and I have been just relaxing and doing our own things. It IS a nice break.

Peggy: I've been catching up on some GREAT TV shows and movies!

Sonny: Okay, speaking of movies, can we talk about how it's SO unfair that so many movies and musicals are being postponed-slash-cancelled?! I mean, I got PISSED when I found out the In The Heights movie got pulled indefinitely!

Carla: You don't mean...

Veronica: Yep, it's not gonna come out on June 26, and there is no new release date...YET

Usnavi: Yeah, Sonny's reaction to the news was NOT pretty.

Catherine of Aragon: Neither was Boleyn's when we found out we weren't gonna be opening to the public on Broadway on March 12. I had to wash her mouth out with soap!

Anne Boleyn: I regret nothing.

J.D.: Okay, if any more movies get postponed, I'm gonna...

Katherine Howard: With the way things are going, I don't think Broadway will be back on on April 12. I'm probably gonna guess that it will be back...end of April or early May AT THE EARLIEST. Maybe even later, I don't know.

Anne Boleyn: You should have said "End of May or early June"! (Whispering) Hopefully things will get back to normal by then. (In normal volume) That would've been a good opportunity for a Dear Evan Hansen reference!

King George: Yeah, over in London, West End is also shut down, too, so....

Anna of Cleves: It's a total bummer.

Angelica: But it's for the best. We have to do social distancing to flatten the curve.

Jefferson:...and also we don't want to expose the virus to those who are more at risk.

Heather C.: Okay, I didn't come here for a COVID-19 PSA, can we get on with things?

King George: Yeah!

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