MORE Ships! (Part 1)

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Me: Hey, everyone! Welcome to this episode of Musical Characters React!

Peggy: Hi, guys! I hope you are doing well!

Catherine Parr: Same with us queens! We hope you guys are doing great in online school. I know it can be a pain, but hang in there!

Heather M.: Yeah, online school is hard.

Sonny: What are we reacting to today?

Me: Today's winning request is from Six-Is-My-Life.

Anne Boleyn: Awww, thanks for supporting us and being part of the Queendom, Six-Is-My-Life!

Me: Here it is.

Everyone in the room except me: Oh no

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Everyone in the room except me: Oh no...

Me: So we are reacting to the the Hamilton ships first. First up is Jamilton.

Usnavi: Jamilton? The "-amilton" part is obviously Hamilton...

Katherine Howard: So the J part must be...

Hamilton and Jefferson: Oh no...

Me: Yep, Jamilton is Jefferson x Hamilton.

Hamilton: Shoot me now...

Veronica: (to J.D.) Jason, you better not be getting any ideas!

Me: Cue the fanart!

Me: So this artist interpreted the ship as a love-hate relationship between Hamilton and Jefferson

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Me: So this artist interpreted the ship as a love-hate relationship between Hamilton and Jefferson.

Jefferson: There is no "love" in our relationship! It's just "hate"!

Hamilton: Yeah! Why would I want to be in a romantic relationship with JEFFERSON of all people?!


ME: Quiet, you two! Or I'll put you in the timeout corner! Okay. The next ship we are reacting to is Marliza.

King George: Wait...don't tell it between Martha Washington and Eliza?

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