Stan Wars!

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Me: Hey, guys! SURPRISE! I bet you didn't expect another episode, right?

Usnavi: Well, WE didn't...

Benny: Yeah, this was, like, pretty short notice.

Nina: Mmm-hmm!

King George: This better be good! I don't normally come to things on short notice!

Hamilton: This IS going to be worth it, right? I was in the middle of writing something for Washington when I got a call from the author saying to come here.

Philip: And though I'm well enough to be in an episode, I'm not fully better.

Lafayette: Eh, my day was free, so...

Veronica: I had to rush right after school to be here.

The Heathers and J.D.: Us, too!

King George: (Sarcastically) OH, BOO HOO HOO! 

Everyone: SHUT UP!

King George: TREASON!

Me: King George, one more nasty comment from you, and it's to the timeout corner!

Anne Boleyn: The six of us had to RUSH on over here, like literally, RUSH, right after our show.

Catherine of Aragon: But I have to say, that show was the best "No Way" went for me! I NAILED that high C!

Katherine Howard: Yeah, we were all on our A-game!

Catherine Parr: And I slayed "I Don't Need Your Love"!

Anna of Cleves: Darn right, you did!

Sonny: Okay, why are we here again?

Daniela: Yeah. Carla, Vanessa, and I had to close up the salon early.

Me: Okay, I'm very sorry for the short notice, but now that we're here, I'll explain what we'll be reacting to. This isn't requested by anyone. This is a YouTube video that got uploaded today, and I thought this would be good reacting material. 

Eliza: So what are we reacting to?

Me: So there is this YouTuber named Stephen Flores, or "inreellife". He does pop-culture related skits, most of them theater-related. A series of skits he does is "Stan Wars", where he does a one man skit of two fandoms fighting. Today, we're going to watch a video that was just released this afternoon called "Stan Wars: Hamilton vs. Hadestown".

Jefferson: Say what, now?

Angelica: What's "Hadestown"?

Me: It's a musical based on the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice. 

Vanessa: Oh, that sounds interesting!

Laurens:...and this guy portrays two guys that like each musical fighting over which is better?

Me: Exactamundo. Oh, and before you guys ask, he uses video editing technology to "clone" himself. I don't know exactly how that works, though. Anyway, let's get to the video!

Burr: What's a "Tony"? And I thought you said that they were going to be fighting.

Me: A Tony is an award for outstanding achievement in Broadway. "Hamilton" has 11. As for the fighting... well, just you wait!

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