Chapter 1

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John saw a lightning bolt hit the wing of the plane. Then, the plane started going down and the captain of the plane was saying something but it was like John and Paul's ears went completely deaf as they were only concentrating on what was going on.

George was the next one to wake due to the plane going down pretty fast. Then, Ringo did. "What's happ'nin?"

"I think the plane's going down!"

"Good grief!"

"Don't say anything about grief Paul!"

Then, they heard the captain over the intercom. "Brace for Impact!"


Brian awoke first. There was smoke covering the air as he slowly opened his eyes. He tried to get up only to realize he was still buckled in.

"If its not one thing, its another." He found himself saying.

He unbuckled himself and slowly stood up, then looked around. He walked over to where the lads were supposed to be and tripped over Paul.

Then, he heard Paul mumble: "This is the last time I'm flying."

Brian turned Paul over and he just looked up at Brian. "Ey Bri. Long time no see. How long was I out?"

"Not sure. But, there's daylight out."

Paul struggled to sit up and Brian helped him. "What about the others?"

"I don't know. I tripped over you when looking."

"Sorry. It wasn't me idea to end up here. What happened?"

"Not sure. We need to find John. He knows what happened."

Brian stood up and walked a little ways before he found the others still in their seats, all out cold. Paul check out George and he got startled from George jumping when Paul touched his face.

"Jesus Geo!"

"Sorry. I blame this on John. Trouble always follows him wherever he goes."

Paul chuckled. "Yeh. I hear ye."

George reached down to unbuckle himself but it was difficult for him so Paul helped him out. There was coughing coming from next to them and they both turned to look.

John was awake. He remembered what he saw before the plane went down and he just looked around with wide eyes. Brian started waving his hand in front of his face.

"John? Earth to Lennon."

"Huh?" He turned to face his attention to Brian.

John managed to unbuckle himself and didn't say a word as he stood up and walked over to the emergency doors and opened it, being blinded by the sun and stepped out. He stumbled at first but caught himself.

Ringo stepped out behind him and looked around. The five of them all had really bad cuts on their faces and hands that were still bleeding but that was the only injuries they had. Nothing serious.

"Looks like we landed......all except it isn't where we need to go. Not to mention, we have a concert tonight."

"Maybe someone will realize our flight didn't make it."

"Maybe. But, it could take days before someone finds us."

He turned back to face the plane. Some of it was still on fire and some of it had leaking fuel. Everyone was already out of the plane when he noticed.

"We need to get a safe distance away from it. If the fire touches the fuel, it'll go up in flames."

Paul walked ahead of everyone. He and Ringo had been walking side by side. They had been surrounded by trees and it would make it barely noticeable to spot the plane.

The Beatles Story Part 2Where stories live. Discover now