Chapter 8

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No where in Particular

"He killed our boss. We need to do something about it. We've waited well over a month."

"I know that! Stop reminding me!"

"Well since he's dead, yer the boss now. Tell me what you want me to do."

"Right now, nothing."

"I think we should strike when he doesn't suspect anything!"

"He'll never suspect anything. We can't nesessarilly deal with his friends. He'll just kill us off."

"Why not kill him in his sleep?"

"Very tempting but, he's a very light sleeper. He'll have us on the ground before we could even step a foot in his house."

"I know. Which is why we need to make a plan."

"Listen to yerself! Our boss had alot of plans. Each one failed! What makes you think yer plans are going to work?! Do you think yer smarter than the boss?!"

"No sir. I just think that maybe he didn't think of any plans that would actually kill him."

"Fine! You think of something!"


Paul's residence

Paul and John had been jamming. Instead of playing their songs, they were playing some Elvis songs. Each one took a turn singing.

George came walking in through the back door. "Ey peeps."

"Ey Geo. Come on in. Wanna join in on the fun?"

George grabbed a right-handed guitar that sat next to Paul. "So, what are we playing?"



"Who else?"

George laughed. "Okay."

He sat down next to John on the sofa while Paul had taken his recliner.

They had played for several hours, each had smiles on their face. Half the time, they played Elvis and the other half, they played their own songs.

John set his guitar down, and the other two followed. "That's one way to get rid of stress for a bit."

"You weren't under stress were you?"

"Huh? Oh no. I just wanted to say that." John smiled.

"Why do you have to be that way?"

John shrugged. "Not sure. You know I've been like this since me twenties."

"Yeh. You were worse when you were a kid."

"I know. I was wreckless. Ask Paulie boy over here."

"Its true."

"Listen boys, I gotta get out of here. I'll leave the two of you." John said as he stood up and grabbed his guitar. He reached over and gave both Paul and George a fist bump before he left.

"Think he's okay?" George asked.

"Yeh. He's fine. Give him time."


No where in Particular

"So, you don't want us nabbing his friends anymore?"

"I already told you!! No! He'll just kill us off!"

"We've been watching him for a few days. It looks like he's going through some mental breakdown. That's the best time to strike. It means he won't be as strong as he used to be."

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