Chapter 27

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Paul pulled in to George's house and he was the first one out. He took a good look at his car. "Looks like we can't hide what happened to us."

"Maybe we can."

"No we can't."

"Its still early in the day. We could take yer car to the shop before anyone is aware."

"That's not a bad idea." Paul agreed.

I'll follow you and bring you back." Ringo stated.

John and George both looked at each other and went inside the house through the front door. "Ey Bri."

"John. George. Have fun?"

"Oh yeh. Had a ton of fun. What about you? Seems like the girls didn't bother you at all."

"Nah. The only one that did was yer son John."

"That was to be expected."

"So, where did Paul end up taking you?"

"On a ride. Is that hint enough?"

Brian looked around to make sure none of the girls were around. "He told you."

"Yeh. We ran into some trouble. Paul went to get his car fixed."

"What kind of trouble?"

"Car chase. We lived though."

"Looks like one of you has a cut on the side of his head."

George put his hand up and touched the cut lightly. "How am I supposed to explain this?"

"Just say Paul did it to you."

"Uh, no. I won't blame it on him. How about I blame it on you Johnny boy?"

"You wouldn't."

"Watch me. Yer beloved wife would believe it in a second."

"I know she would. That's why I don't want you to tell her that. Its not that bad anyways."

"I figured."

George left and John just looked at Brian. "Why didn't Paul just pull us all outside and tell us?"

"Because, as he said, we're all being watched. Including you and George. There's men stationed at all of our houses. They might hear everything if we step outside."

"I see. So, what about the concert?"

"What about it? We're going through with it unless something happens."

"Okay. This should be interesting. They could follow us there and watch us while we're on stage."

"I know that. I've said this before, I'll say it again, the first sign of trouble, I'll haul the four of you off stage."

"It might be too late."

"I know yer concern. The four of you will be fine."

"You can't promise us that. Look what happened 20 minutes ago. We were in a car chase, not to mention, we don't know what Paul and Ringo are going through.

Paul and Ringo's Location

Paul had just dropped his car off at the shop. He hopped in Ringo's car and they were on their way back to George's. Once Ringo pulled out of the shop, a car sped up and hit the side of the car.

"Get us outta here!" Paul shouted.

Ringo sped off as fast as he could. The car was hit from behind making them jerk forward. "Go faster!"

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