Chapter 11

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Paul ran up to the three of his friends and untied them. George was the first to reach for the tape on his mouth, and ripped it off.

"What's happening to John?" He ran up to him and untied his feet.

"Its his asthma. The stress of today did it. Its not a mild one either. He needs help." Paul ran back with Ringo next to him.

"Come on. We're driving him."

Ringo reached into John's pocket and grabbed his car keys while Paul and George picked him up. "Do you even know where he parked?"

"Well, his car does have an alarm."

They each made it outside and Ringo pressed the alarm button and heard the car. "This way." After a moment, they found it and ran up to it. Ringo got in the driver's seat while George and Paul set John in the back. Paul decided to get in the back as well, leaving George with the passenger's seat.

John still had his eyes open. He refused to shut them, no matter how tired he was getting. He didn't want to take the chance on never waking up again.

"Ey John, ye still with us?"

He tried to speak, but couldn't. All he did was nod. George glanced back. "Paul, how'd you know?"

"I've seen his asthma several times Geo. I know what it looks like. He told me he's never experienced a severe one. Looks like that changed."

"How's he doing back there?"

"He's trying to keep awake. But, he's failing."

Then, John ended up closing his eyes and his breathing was worsening.

Ringo pulled in to the nearest hospital and stopped at the emergency doors. Ringo ran inside to get some help while Paul and George pulled him out. By now, a couple doctors came out with a gurney and both George and Paul set him on it while the doctors took him away. All the three of them could do was wait.

They walked into the waiting room and sat down. It was quiet for a minute before George spoke: "What exactly happens during a severe one Paul?"

"Uh, hold on. John told me a while ago...........uncontrolled breathing, paleness, uh, difficulty talking I think was one of them. He showed that on the way here. He couldn't speak. That blow to the chest didn't help with it either. If anything, it made it worse."

"Ye know, it was really brave what you did." Ringo said.

"Yeh Paul. How'd you manage to get loose?"

"Not sure. I guess I really wanted to help John. I know what'll happen if he didn't get help right away. He would've died by suffication because he couldn't breathe. I couldn't just sit there. I had to do something."

"So, anyone wanna call Brian and tell him?"

They stayed silent and just looked at each other.

"I take that as a no?"

"So, we do need a story to tell Brian. He's clueless."

"But, what about the cut on John's face? I think he'll be suspicious about that."

"Uh, well, we can't tell him what really went on."

"I think its our only choice."

"Paul's right Geo. It is our only choice because we can't come up with a good story on how he got that cut."

"No, that's not why Rings. Brian should know anyways. We kept him out of it because we didn't want him involved just like last time." Paul said. "I'll call him and let him know what's going on."

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