Chapter 25

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They followed through with the plan. Two cops tied them up the way they had been before, making it tight so no one would suspect anything.

John just looked over at George and smiled. "Now we wait." The cops exited, leaving the boys alone.

It didn't take long for the door to open and John couldn't get rid of his smirk. "Welcome back! How'd you enjoy wherever you went?"

"What are you doing, making small talk with us?"

"Yeh. Why not? We'll be here for quite some time right? Why can we get to know each other?"

"Shut it before I tape yer mouth shut."

"Go ahead and do that. Trust me, you don't wanna."

"What makes you think I don't want to?"

"Do you want to know a secret?"

George snickered. "Do you promise not to tell?"

"What's yer secret?"

"Closer. Let me whisper in yer ear."

George lost it. He started dying of laughter. Then, Geroge added: "Say the words you want to hear!"

"Is this some sort of game to you?"

John's smile grew wider as he saw the cops walk inside. "Nah. I think its from our first album Please Please Me. The name of the song is Do you want to know a secret? But, then again, I do know a secret you don't."

"Wanna share with me?"

"Not really. How about you turn around."

So he did and found a gun in his face. John cut the wire again and removed all the tape, then he did the same to George.

"How did you manage to think about that in under 5 minutes?"

"Oh, I had that song stuck in me head. That's how. It fit our situation anyhow."

"Still taunting those who take us, ey?" Paul said as he stepped into the room.

"Yeh. Ain't it fun? I always enjoy this. Now, can we leave this place? I never wanna see it again."


2 hours later............

It was nearing 10pm. John and George had spent those hours with the girls in the main room. Cynthia had already put Julian to bed at the time. George was drinking beer while John was drinking something a little stronger. Whiskey. But they weren't drinking enough to get drunk.

They stayed there for a while longer talking. After a while, they knew they had to be getting to bed. George left first, with Pattie. John and Cynthia stayed for a bit longer until they decided they wanted to go to bed as well.

John had to move Julian aside from on the bed so he could also sleep on it.

John and George were still in the building they were before they were rescued. George was hurt pretty bad. He knew he had to find some way to get to his mate. That is, until the door opened again.

"Mr. Lennon. Boy do we have a surprise for you."

John thought it was another one of his band mates but then, he saw Julian get dragged in. He had been crying. "Leave him alone." He said weakily.

"Sorry. No can do. We will make sure yer wife Cynthia knows its yer fault that her son died. She'll blame you for the rest of her life. I would say yer life, but, yer son is going to watch you die. Then, he'll watch his uncle George die. Then, I kill him. Or, maybe, I have it a different way. I kill yer friend here, then kill yer son, and then you........that sounds better, don't you think?"

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