Chapter 5

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The concert ended with another one of their newest songs: I'm only Sleeping. Once the song finished, the four of them took bows.

"Thank you all very much for coming. We appreciate each and every one of ye and have a good rest of yer night!" John said into the mic as they all got off the stage.

"Ey John......"

"What Geo?"

"You messed up."

"So did you. You did what, 4 times?"

"Hey now, we're not talking about me here."

"We are now."

"Okay boys. We'll pack up yer instruments and be on our way. Next up: Philadelphia. We have a car waiting, so we need to get going."

"What time does the train leave? Is it today or tomorrow?"

"Early this morning. around 1:55AM. It'll take about 12 hours to get there so the four of ye could sleep on the train."


The time was getting to be around midnight. They were waiting for their train at the Cleveland Amtrak. Paul and George had fallen asleep, Brian was sitting back reading a Cleveland newspaper, and John and Ringo were talking and pretty much having fun insulting each other.

Time had passed pretty fast and their train had pulled up. "Boys, we're up."

John threw something over at Paul and Paul awoke.

"Get up princess."

John and Ringo stood up and walked toward the train as Paul and George struggled to stand up. Pretty soon, they all boarded the train. Once inside, they went into a cabin.

"Will you boys be alright here?"

John looked up and gave a: you've got to be kidding me look. "Bri, we'll be fine. How many times do we have to tell ye that we're grown men?"

"Yer kids in a grown man's body."

John smiled widely. "Thank you."

"I'm specifically talking to you Lennon. Behave while yer on board this train or I'll murder ye."

"Paulie! There's a stranger over here threatening me! Please help!"

Paul looked over at George and Ringo. They were both amused and Paul was laughing. "Mr. Tough Guy is asking for help from an amature? That's funny."

Brian lightly hit John. "I mean it Lennon."

John made a funny face.

"Alright. I'll leave you four alone. Paul, yer responsible for Lennon. Yer his legal guardian."

"Brian! I can take care of meself."

"Yeh. That's what I'm worried about. Have fun boys." Brian walked off.

John took out a cigarette and lit it.

"Now Johnny boy, aren't you a little young to be smoking that?"

"But Paulie.......I deserve it!"

"Fine. Just this once."

Ringo shook his head as he kept the smile. "Its good to see John has a father figure around...............who's younger than him."

George laughed.

"Leave me alone to die in peace will ye?" John said taking a swig of his cigarette.

"What's the fun in that?"

"Well, its 2am." George said. John propped his feet up on the seat in front of him. John tried to keep his eyes open. Then, he remembered what happened last time he was on a train.

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