Chapter 29

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Throughout the day, Chloe and Julian have been playing together. John and Ringo were still conked out, and George and Paul were talking with the girls out back.

The seditive started wearing off. Ringo was the first one to wake with a terrible headache. He let out a groan and sat up. He then thought everything that happened that day was all a dream.....until he saw John passed out. He stood up and walked outside where everyone else was.

"Well, look who's up."

"Shut up Geo." Ringo snapped.

"No need to get all hostile."

"Sorry. Just, got this bloody headache. I haven't been drinking have I?"

"No. Nothing like that."

"It feels like I'm suffering from a hangover."

"Remember anything?"

"Uh, apparently not a whole lot. Bits and pieces."

Ringo took a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and pulled one out. "Okay. What are we looking at here?"

"Not a whole lot. Basically all the stuff you already know."

"Ye know, I did have a funny dream that there was a girl named Chloe that joined the family."

Paul and George looked at each other. "Uh, I hate to break this to you, but, it wasn't a dream."

"You mean, we really do have another mini person around?"

"Yep. Don't worry. She's a doll." George smiled.

"Is she now?"

"Yeh. She does love her new playmate though."

"Anyways, there's food on the stove. Help yerself."

"Gee, thanks." Ringo said sarcastically and left from their sight.


It was several days before the concert. John and Ringo were both being careful about drinking coffee since the last time they did. Actually, they completely laid off drinking it.

They haven't been spending a whole lot of time in the studio. Instead, they spent the week taking care of their new friend Chloe. She spent alot of time hanging around the boys.

At the moment, Chloe and Julian were both at the kitchen table drawing nothing in particular. They were pretty much scribbling all over the paper.

It was early morning and Paul snuck inside using a key George hid in a special spot outside. "Hey kids."

"Hi." Julian looked up, then looked back down.

Paul walked up to both of them. "What are ye drawing little man?"

"I don't know."

"What about you princess?"

Chloe shrugged. Something caught Paul's eye. She was left handed which made him smile.

"So, where's everyone else?"


"Sleeping? Its 1pm. Stay here you two."

Paul walked up to George's bedroom. Both he and Pattie were talking quietly. "Hey guys. How's life?" He asked.

"Paul, how'd you get in here?"

"I walked in."

"Not what I mean."

"Through the front door.......using yer key."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2019 ⏰

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