Chapter 17

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Their first stop was at John's house. George and Paul walked in front of John just in case anyone was in there. "Looks like its clear."

"That's what Ringo said before I found someone in Julian's bedroom."

"Julian's bedroom? You never mentioned that."

"I didn't have to. That's why I sent them over to Geo's. Turn on all the lights to be sure."

John went up to his safe and pulled out all the guns he had in there and handed one to both Paul and George. The one he handed Paul was the one Paul loaned him the day before.

"That's where that went."

"I meant to give it back to you."


Paul went upstairs, George checked downstairs while John checked the bedrooms that were also located downstairs. He first went into Julian's room and turned on the light. Each one of them checked thoroughly and they met at the bottom of the staircase.

"Everywhere's checked."

"Great. Now, get the stuff you need and we'll get outta here." Paul said.

"Need help packing?"

"Nah. Once I'm done, Imma burn this house."

"Not again."

"I'm kidding Paul. I wouldn't burn this place. This is where Julian has spent most of his life."

"Yeh. The other times he spent running for his life."

"Okay, he spent half his life here. One of the only places he knows."

John disappeared from both of them. George and Paul both walked up to the couch. "Is he leaving this house for good?"

"Yep. He's tired of coming home to an intruder. He'll be staying with me." George stated. "Come on. Lets get Julian's stuff."

"Right behind you."

They both walked into Julian's room. Paul walked up to the closet and grabbed a small suitcase. "So, how did it come to him living with you?"

"It was my suggestion. I never let him say no. He had to agree to it."

Paul laughed. "Never gave him a chance."


There was a thud.


George ran out with Paul and they saw someone get thrown out in front of them. "Well, looks like we know who's winning."

"Yeh. Should we help him?"

"Nah. I think he's got this."

George and Paul walked up to the guy on the ground and lifted him up. John peeked out from the bedroom with a smirk on his face.

Paul spoke up: "Now, wanna tell us where you were hiding? If you don't, I'll sick John on ye. And believe me, I'm sure he wants a piece of you."

"I hid somewhere."


"A place that's well hidden in this house."

The three beatles looked at each other. "Julian's little cubby hole he likes to hide in?" Paul questioned.

"That's the one."

"How many others are hiding in this house?" George asked. He looked over at John and his smile went wider.

"Oh boy. Paul, I don't like the look on his face."

Paul looked up at John and looked back down. "You see that? He's about ready to shred you to pieces. But, the only reason he hasn't, is because he knows he'll go to jail because yer unarmed......I think."

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