Chapter 7

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"So, are ye gonna tell us what yer meeting with Brian is about?" George asked.

"No. Not yet."

"So, soon you will?"

"Maybe. I haven't decided that."

"Very well."

Paul pulled in to Brians. "Don't have too much fun."

"I doubt I'll have any fun talking to the main man."

John stepped out and watched as Paul pulled out of the drive and drove off. Brian had already had his door open and walked outside.

"Hey John. Come in. I assume yer not here for a professional reason?"

"Nah. I'm pretty sure you know why I'm here."

"I do know." As the two walked in, Brian shut the door. "So, have you been sleeping any better?"

They both walked up to Brian's couch and sat down. "Somewhat. I did today. But, Paul woke me."

"What for?"

"He wanted to take us all out of the house instead of staying in bed all day. I asked him to drop me off here first. But, uh, it was a heck of a wake up call, let me tell ye that."

Brian chuckled. "Wanna tell me what happened?"

"Lets just put it this way, Paul ended up on the floor."

"Yer kidding."

"No, it really happened. He shouldn't have touched me."

"So, do you jump every time yer touched?"

"Nah. Only when I don't expect it."

"I've noticed it alot recently."

"Yeh well, I don't expect it."

"So, do you ever plan to tell the others about the problem yer having?"

"Nah. Well, at least not yet. Its bad enough I'm discussing this with you."

"Why's that a bad thing?"

"Because I don't like talking about stuff that's happened to me. Not to mention, I don't like therapists." John smiled.

"So, you don't like me?"

John chuckled. "Now I didn't say that. Yer a great therapist. I just hate them because yer basically telling strangers yer business when they don't need to know what's going on."

"Well, I'm not a stranger. You know you can talk to me about anything."

"I know. That's why I went to you in the first place. Do you know how hard it is to talk to the others about it? I don't want them worrying as well."

"Have you ever told Cynthia?"

"No. She's clueless about it."

"Why haven't you told her? I think she needs to know."

"Well, if she ever witnesses it, then I'll tell her."

"After it already happened?"

"Yeh. That's the best time to tell someone when you have a problem. Right?"

"Wrong. You should tell them so they would be aware."

"I'm not too good at telling people me feelings. You know that."

"I know. But, you told me."

"I know I did. Because yer our therapist."

"I enjoy hearing the problem my boys have, even if they can't overcome it."

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