Chapter 16

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It took a while before John had knocked out the asailant and he himself took off. He knew where Cynthia had taken Julian. George lived closer than any of the others.

He wasn't sure how George would take to his presence since John had annoyed him not 20 minutes before. He had finally gotten to his front door and rang the doorbell. He bent over to catch his breath when the door opened.

"Ey Geo. Please tell me Cyn came here."

"Yeh. She's here. What happened to you?"


"Well, I'm not a doctor or anything, but it looks like yer nose was broken."


"Don't just stand there. Come in."

"I thought ye'd be mad at me for pulling those stunts this evening." John laughed and walked in.

"I think we can put our differences aside for now."

George walked in to the kitchen and came back with a cloth. He threw it at John and shook his head. "Cyn never told me what happened."

"She doesn't really know. Which reminds me, where are they?"

"Guest room. I told them they could stay here for however long they needed."

"I knew I could count on you, even though we kinda had an amusing fight earlier."

"You had to bring that up a second time."

"Okay. I won't bring it up again."

"So, what happened to whoever you found?"

"Not sure. I know I knocked him out, then I took off. I decided, I don't wanna go back home anymore."

"So, you can move in here."

John looked up. "I can't do that Geo."

"Why not? You can live here. That way you can't fight alone anymore. Yer not going to win this argument either."

"What would Pattie say about this?"

"We already discussed it a while back. Yer more than welcome to stay here."

John put pressure on his nose and winced when he did. "Why?"

"Why what?"

"This was the first thing he hit."

"You serious? He must've aimed for it."

"I would say so. He's gonna have one heck of a headache when he wakes up."

"Why? What'd you do?"

"Uh, nothing?"

"Okay, I don't even wanna know."

"Good choice."

"Were you hurt anywhere else?"

"Nah. Perfectly fine."

John and George went over to the couch and sat down. "You really shouldn't have made up that scheme."

"I know. But it was worth it. Yer not gonna send me to the floor again are ye?"

"No. I'll spare you this time."


They spent a couple hours talking. It was just reaching midnight. John looked at his watch. "I guess we should catch a kip."

"Yer not going home. Sleep here."

"Thanks. I wasn't gonna leave anyhow."

"I think you should take the couch."

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