Chapter 10

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They were all hoping the plan would work. The first place they went to was the district Wallis had taken John's son to. John wanted to go in solo again. Once he got to the same building, he peeked through the window. There was a huge group of Wallis's minions hanging around inside.

John spoke into his ear piece. "They're here."

"Careful Lennon."

John looked behind him and barely saw Ringo and nodded. "Goin' in."

He opened the door and walked in. All of them looked over at him. John was now leaning against a wall, arms crossed and right foot on the wall.

"Speak of the devil now."

"I take it you were talking about me? I'm flattered."

Two men approached him and tried to seize him before he spoke: "I wouldn't try it."

Then, the new boss stood up and walked over. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, you know. I decided I wanted to see some old aquaintances. You know, there's something I need to tell you about yer former boss."

"Oh? And what's that?"

"I enjoyed seeing him fall over. Dead. With a single gunshut to his head." John smiled.

"I take it yer not the one who shot him?"

"No. But, I encouraged it. I enjoyed every bit of it."

A fist swung at John but John grabbed it and threw him at the wall and held him there. "Try that again."

A gun was pointed to the back of his head. "Release him."

He released him and put his hands up. The new boss turned around. "I take it yer not the only one here?"

"Right you are."

"Would you look at how happy he is! Wait until he finds out that we already apprehended them and they're on their way here now."

"Yer bluffing."

Then, he heard over his ear piece: "No he's not John."

"You really should've thought this over before you went through with it. Ye know, yer not as strong as everyone thinks you are. Well, not anymore."

"I could easily take you out just like I did a while back."

"You can try. But, I don't think you can. As I said, yer not as strong as you once were."

"Do you really wanna find out how strong I am?"

"Why don't you show me?"

"So, you wanna make this a fair fight? Without any guns pointed at me?"

"Fair enough. But first, lets bring yer friends in."

The door opened and each of them were brought in. It looked like they had each put up a good fight with their attackers.

"So, now that yer friends are here, they can watch you go down once and for all."

Once again, John leaned against the wall and crossed his arms. "You really think that?"

"Yeh. When I take you down, they will really see how strong you are."

John stepped forward toward him. "I'm not as weak as you think I am."

He tried to catch John off guard by swinging his fist at him but he caught it and slammed him against the wall, face first. John turned him around as was about to strike back when he felt two hands grab him and John threw him over his shoulder and he fell.

The Beatles Story Part 2Where stories live. Discover now