Chapter 18

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It was nearing lunch time. Ringo was chasing Julian around, George, Cynthia, Pattie and Paul were all talking around the table and John was asleep on the couch.

George stood up. "Ey Paul, Rings, get in here. Got a question for ye."

Ringo ran inside. "What is it?"

"Do ye wanna invite yer girls over? We can have a cook out while we're all here."

"Great idea. It'll be fun."

"Got the stuff for it?"

"Of course I do. I wouldn't be asking if ye didn't."

"Alright. I guess we'll be back."

They both passed John and John gave them a lazy salute and dropped his arm again. "We'll be back."

"Okay." John's voice was muffled as his head was now buried in a pillow.

"We'll deal with him later."

"I don't care." Once again, John's voice was muffled.

"He doesn't care. Great. Maybe we should let Julian loose."


"You said you didn't care."

"I care now!"

"Great. Have fun caring. We'll be back."


Paul and Ringo left and George came in just as John spoke: "I'll help you pretty soon."

"Don't wanna start without them?"

"Well, kinda."

"Alright. We still gotta get things together. I'll go to the store and pick up some charcoal and food. You stay here."

"Yes mum."

"And don't go anywhere or talk to strangers or open the front door."

"Yes mum."

George left and John went back to sleep.


After everyone had gotten back, John was still asleep on the couch, so they decided they wanted to make as much noise as possible.

Ringo bent down and whispered to Julian: "Go wake him up."

Julian smiled and took off.

"Yer so mean Ringo." George laughed.

"What? He won't get up wh---" They both heard John groan. "Welp, he's awake. I say, he's a good alarm don't you think?"

"Oh yeh. The best. When he gets to be 10 years old, he'll break the poor lad's back."

"Who said he was a poor lad?" Paul said walking up to the duo.

John walked in carrying Julian over his shoulder. "Okay, who sent him to assassinate me in my sleep?"

"No one. All we told him to do was suffocate you and do it quietly so he wouldn't wake you."

"How thoughtful. He didn't do a good job though considering he jumped on me."

"You look like yer hurting."

"I wonder why." John said sarcastically. "So, what can I do to help out?"

"Well, you could get the grill ready."

Once again, John saluted and set Julian down. John walked out and grabbed the grill. He and George were dealing with setting everything up. All four girls were getting all the food ready and Julian was trying to help.

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