Chapter 9

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George was waiting in his car for several minutes when he saw John walk out and closed the door. Now, he was confused as to why Cynthia and Julian weren't coming.

John got to the car and hopped in. "Thanks for this Geo."

"I do got one question."

"I already know what yer gonna ask. They're staying here for a bit."

"To make sure everything's okay?"


"Okay. But know this, I'm going in too."

"Fine. I could use you."

"For what? A shield?"

John laughed. "That's exactly it. I want to use you for a shield. I don't think I could take another gun to my face."

"You know what, I don't think I could either."

George got to John's and they both just sat in the car for a bit until they finally decided to get out. They approached cauciously and John unlocked the door.

"Doesn't look like anyone broke in since the cops have been here."

George gently pushed John out of the way so he could walk in first. "Stay here for a bit big guy."


"Because we don't need you to get worked up now do we?"

"Okay fine. I'll stay."

"Yer gonna walk in aren't you?"

"Nope. I'll stay here."

"You better."

George took the first couple steps inside and looked from side to side to make sure no one was hiding behind or beside the door. Finally, he was fully inside and started looking everywhere downstairs. Once he got done looking upstairs, he walked to the stairs. The first thing he noticed were muddy footprints.

He quietly walked back outside and shut the door. "I have a feeling there's someone upstairs."

John nodded and opened the door.

"What are you doing?"

"Follow me." John walked inside and George followed. He quietly walked to a hidden door that only he knew about and opened it. There was a safe and he dealt with the combination and opened it. There were two handguns in it and he pulled both out and handed one to George.

"You came prepared didn't you?"

"Yeh. As I told you before, I became careful. No one messes with us. I don't know who they think they are."

They both got to the bottom of the stairs and John walked up first, slowly with the gun pointed straight ahead. Finally, he got to the top step and followed the footprints. It led to a spare bedroom and he slowly opened the door and looked inside. He was about to walk in when his arm was grabbed and he was forced in and the door had shut behind him.

George was startled and he tried to get the door opened. It took a bit before he busted the door open and ran in. John was laying on his back with his hands up and breathing heavily. To George, it looked like he was having a panic attack. George aimed his gun at the attacker.

"Drop yer gun."

"Not a chance."

"If you don't, I'll shoot you."

"No you won't."

George heard something behind him and slightly turned his head. There was a gun aimed to his head. "Now, you drop yer gun or you both die."

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