Chapter 15

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The other three beatles looked at each other in disbelief. "Wait, what?"

"Its true. Brian played along with it. Of course, there is one thing that stayed with me. It was those nightmares that I've had because of them."

"Unbelieveable. Does Cyn know about this? Was she a part of this scheme?"

"No. She wasn't. I told you those medications I'm taking was to help with PTSD. That's wrong. Its to help with the nightmares, which seem to work."

There was silence. "Of course I still got it. We've planned this since we went to the US just in case anything were to happen again. We already discussed what plan we were gonna lay out. He came up with the idea of me having PTSD when I really don't."

"I really hate you John."

"I hate you too bud." John smiled. "Come 'ead. Lets get him outta here."

John forced him out while the others just stood there for a second trying to capture what they heard and finally followed.


After dropping off the attacker, they went back to Paul's, where everyone else was. John walked in with a smile on his face while the others were still speechless and unsure of what to think.

"Welcome back." Brian said as each f them walked in and Paul was the last one and shut the door. "Ey Bri."

"What's up with them? They seem quiet."

John laughed. "That's because they're speechless."

"You didn't."

"I did. What can I say? They trapped me."

"Brian, why didn't you tell us?!" Ringo yelled.

"I assume John already told you it was a scheme just in case anything were to happen. They would think he's weak and can't fight anymore. We weren't even sure if it'd work, which is why we never told any of you. Not even Cyn."

"I heard my name. What?" Cynthia came through the kitchen door way.

"Oh nothing. Its just that John was faking his illness."

"Faking? Faking which part?"

"The PTSD part. He faked the whole thing."

"Yeh. You musn't spread that around. I want them to continuously think I'm weak."

"I suspected he didn't have it. I read his script when he wasn't looking."

"You what?"

"Yeh. I did."

"Okay. So you knew and didn't bring it up to me?"

"Nah. I figured you had a good reason to fake it."

"Well, I did."

"So, is that why you 'didn't wanna go to therapy'?"

"Pretty much."

"Yer rotten. You know that right?" George said.

"Yeh. I always have been haven't I?"

"Please don't leave us out of any other schemes you have."

"I'll try not to. But, if I don't think it'll fall through, that's when I'll leave you out of it. It was pretty much an experiment."

John walked to the couch and Julian came running in and crawled on the couch.

"Ye know John, he's the only reason why I don't kill you right now."

"Paul, no need to go all violent on him. It wasn't just his idea."

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