Chapter 3

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John and Paul's location

They both walked a little ways. Paul turned first and John followed him. After a minute, they reached a road and they both stopped. There was a sign that said: Welcome to Detroit.

"You've got to be kidding me!!" John yelled throwing his hands up. "Go figure!!"

Paul gave a confused look. "We missed our concert when we're already in Detroit. If we were this close to the road, why didn't anyone report a plane crash?"

"Maybe no one was there when it happened. Remember, it was late at night when we went down."

A cop car was on the side of the road. Apparently, he wasn't paying attention to anything around him. "Look." Paul pointed over to the cop.

"Maybe he can help us."

They walked up to the car and knocked on the window. The cop rolled his window down. "Can I help you two?"

"Yeh. Listen, there was an accident in the woods over there."

"In the woods? What were you two doing driving in the woods?"

"Its a long story. Listen, we need you to help us. There's three more."

"Any of you hurt?"


The cop got out and followed the two to the crash site.

"Woah. What happened here?"

"As we said, it was an accident......well, a crash. I honestly don't know how no one noticed it. We have no idea where we are."

"Yeh Mr. Officer. We only realized how close we were to civilization a moment ago. Right before we found ye."

"Say, you two look familiar."

"We're not criminals Mr. Officer." John said putting his hands up.

"What are your names?"

"Uh, this is me best mate Paul McCharmley."

"And this is me best mate John Lemon."

John smacked Paul on the head. He hated that name.

"What? You called me McCharmley."

"So, your the beatles everyone's been looking for?"

"Yeh. What have ye heard?"

"The four of you were missing along with your manager. We had no idea what happened and went looking. Chicago PD got this call from Detroit airport saying that the four of you have crash landed but didn't know where. Where are the others?"

"I'll get them." John started jogging the way the others went. After a moment, he heard Ringo's voice, then Brian's.

"Ey Bri!"

"Over here John!" Brian yelled back.

John jogged up to them and stopped in front of George. "You seem happy. Why?"

"Because we're finally getting outta here."

"Wait, a rescue unit came?"

"No. But me and Paul found a cop that was staking out on the side of the road we found. And, we found a sign that tells us where we landed."

"Where? Where?" Ringo jumped with excitement.

"Promise you won't hit me?"


George clued in. "We're in Detroit aren't we?"


"Come 'ead. Mr. Officer's waiting."

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