Chapter 23

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The day of the concert.............

The boys spent all night in the studio. None of them ever woke up from the night before. George was the first one up. He let out a pained groan as he slowly sat up. He slowly looked around. He saw Ringo was in the same position he was and cringed at the sight of it because it looked like a very painful position to be in.

He then looked over at Paul and John. They were still in deep sleep. Now, George thought about falling back asleep again. That is, until their manager walked in.

"Boys, what are you doing here this early?"

George just looked around at the others. "Uh, we got here very very early. Actually, we got here 5am yesterday morning."

Brian walked over to them and noticed that everyone else was asleep. "What happened?"

"Knackered. Spent well over 12 hours rehearsing for about a week, maybe longer. We lost track of whatever day it is."

"Saturday. The day of yer concert. Why didn't you go home last night?"

"We sorta fell asleep here as you can see."

"Need any coffee?"


"Alright. I'll make a coffee run for the four of ye. In the meantime, wake them up."

Brian left and George just sat there for a bit trying to get it all together. After a moment, he slowly leaned over and shook Ringo. He scared the drummer and he fell on the floor.

"What happened?" Ringo never got up and looked over at George.

"Brian's forcing me to wake everyone. He went for a coffee run."


"Wanna get up?"

I guess so."

George stood up and lent a hand. Ringo took it and he was lifted up by George. Ringo looked over at the other two. "Should we wake them? They look too comfy."

"We should. Paul first. I wanna know what he's gonna do to John when he wakes."

"Yer evil. Plain evil."

"I know."

George walked over behind Paul. He froze for a minute. Then, left Ringo's sight and came back a few seconds later with a feather pen and a smile on his face.

Ringo just snickered. He knew what George was up to. George went back up behind Paul and put the feather up to Paul's nose and began moving it around his face.

Paul slightly moved his head.

George continued to move the feather all around his face, then back to his nose, which caused him to sneeze and wake up.

"Ey." He sneezed again. "Cut it out." He sneezed a third time.

Finally, George removed the feather from him and smiled. "Rise and shine buttercup."

Paul let out a long yawn. "Leave me alone. Can't ye tell I was taking a kip?"

"I know. Get up. We spent the whole night here."

Paul let out another yawn. "Really?"

"Yeh. Brian caught us red handed."

"Red handed ey?" Paul looked down and saw that John was on his lap still asleep.

"What's up with him and why is he sleeping on me?"

"We were hoping ye'd wake him up in the harshest way you can think."

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