Chapter 2

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The sun was going down. It was past time for them to be at the concert. Paul and Ringo were both asleep while George and Brian were talking to each other. John on the other hand was outside taking a look at his surroundings and trying to get to know the area so he wouldn't get lost.

After he got back to the plane, he didn't go inside. Instead, he sat in the grass, leaning up against the plane with his arms crossed and sighed. George decided to join him outside and sat down next to him without saying a word.

After a minute, he broke the silence. "So, wanna tell me what's going on in that head of yers?"

"What if Paul's right? What if no one finds us?"

"Is that why yer out here by yerself thinking to death?"

"Yeh. If we're not found tonight or tomorrow morning, we would miss another concert day."

"I know. We can't help it though. Once we miss a second day, they'll know something went wrong."

"They should know tonight when we didn't show up at Olympia Stadium."


"I just hope they keep us out of the news if they by any chance state that we weren't at the concert."

"Ye know they won't."

"I know. Just think of what would happen if it reaches home. What would our families think when they see it?"

"It'll be fine John."

"You sure about that?"

"Yeh. We're fine, and we will be fine. We're all in this together."

John chuckled. "Literally."

"Yeh. So, other than that, how are you doing?"

"Just peachy. I don't have me pain killers with me. They were decenegrated when the plane went up."

"Think ye can stand the pain?"

"Of course. Being here isn't making it any better."

"Come on. Lets get back in there." George stood up and held a hand out to John and helped him up. George walked in first and John walked in behind him.

Instead of walking the direction of the seats, John went to the cockpit. He opened the door and stepped in. He saw the pilot and co-pilot dead, still in their seats. He removed one of them and grabbed the radio. At first it was static.

He messed around with a few nobs for the radio. It took him a minute to finally hear voices over the radio. He sighed and decided to speak into it.

"Mayday, mayday. We have crash landed. We need help getting out."

He heard someone respond.

"What is your location sir?"

"We are unaware of our location. The pilot and co-pilot are dead."

"Okay sir. Were you one of the passengers?"

"Yeh. Name is John Lennon. Our plane crash landed on our way to Detroit."

"John Lennon the Beatle?"

"Yeh. Listen, I don't have time to chit-chat. Me and me friends are somewhere unknown."

"Okay, we can get in contact with authorites and they can send some rescue choppers from the route you went."

"That'd be great."

"Okay. Were are you coming from?"


"Alright. I'll get in contact with the Chicago PD and let them know about your situation............" The radio went completely out.

The Beatles Story Part 2Where stories live. Discover now