Chapter 26

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Cynthia came into the kitchen. Once again, she was fully dressed.

"How do you do that?" John asked.

"Do what?"

"Get ready for today so early in the morning?"

"Yer one to speak John."

"I don't do it all the time though. Only when I have to."

"Did you have to today?"

"Nah. I was already up at 6, so I decided: why not? Why not get dressed early for a change?"

"Get up earlier and do it every day."

"Nah. I've said it before, I'll say it again. I love sleeping."

"We've noticed. You tend to sleep alot."

"I do. Now, we got food ready for everyone if you want any."

"Yeh. Thanks. Everyone up?"

"Nah. Pattie still hasn't come out. Unless, she's awake and trying to avoid big guy over here." George said.

"Ey. Everyone loves me."

"Until they get to know you. Then they'll find you annoying."

"I love meself. Everyone should love me."

"Does that mean we have to?"

"Yes. Even if you don't want to. You have to love me."

George laughed. "Right. Everyone needs to love Johnny boy over here."

"That's right."

"Yer right anyhow. Everyone does love you."

"I knew it!"

"Shut it and eat yer breakfast John."

"Yes muther."

"Behave." Cynthia said as she went over and sat down.

"Me? Behave? Never."

"Go figure. I should've known ye'd say that."

"Geo, since when have you seen me bahave?"


"See that? I never behave."

"I already knew you didn't."

"Oh, forgot to ask, Geo, did Bri ever reschedule?"

"The show? Not sure. I haven't spoke to him since he left."

"Maybe he'll give us a call."

The phone rang and John walked over to it and answered.


"Its Brian. I rescheduled the date to next week from today. This time, do not disappear before the show."

"We'll try our best. Thanks Bri."

John walked back after putting the reciever down. "I really have perfect timing for everything don't I?"

"Yeh. Anyways, what'd he say?"

"Its rescheduled for next week."


"If you say so. It means we still have time to rehearse."

"Heh. Not! We've had enough time."

"I would rather it be perfect than messing up once or twice."

"Fine, but, we're not spending 12 hours a day trying to rehearse."

"How does 11 hours sound?"

"That's not any better than 12 hours."

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