Chapter 20

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George cauciously unlocked the shed and opened it slowly. He looked around but for some reason, he didn't see anything. He walked further inside and found someone dead with a gun in his hand that looked like it was recently fired. George just shook his head.

He walked back out and went inside. "Ey. He's dead."

John stood up. He had been knelt down to Julian's level trying to calm him down. "How'd he die?"

"Suicide. He killed himself. I guess he thought he got us or something."


"I take it everyone's okay?"

"Yeh. Everyone's fine. A bit startled though."

"I saw you cover yer ears. What was that about?"

"It was too loud. I think my ears became sensitive to sound."


"You deal with the cops. I'm not coming out of my room until they leave. I'm not dealing with them anymore."

"Yeh. I'll take care of it."

John picked Julian up and brought him to the bedroom where he found Cynthia and Pattie. John had told them to hide in the bedroom while he would take care of Julian.

"Ey girls."

"What happened out there?"

"Someone killed themselves."

"Ah. Very nice."

"George is gonna deal with the cops. Not me. I've dealt with plenty."

John set Julian on the bed. The kid was terrified and his hands were shaking terribly. He crawled  into John's lap again and stayed there.

John sat him up and tried to calm him down a little. It seemed to work because Julian had fallen asleep.

"Lets just hope he doesn't gain nightmares just like you."

"I hope not. The last thing we need is for someone else in this house to have nightmares. Especially a 4 year old. He doesn't need it. Well, he's asleep now." John laid down with Julian still clinging to him. "How do they find their ways into working sheds? Seriously. What is with these people?"

"I guess they know where yer staying." George peeked his head through the door.

"I don't care anymore. I stopped caring a long time ago. I stopped caring whether they come after me. After all, they haven't touched me. And they can't touch any of you because they know what'll happen. Lets face it. They don't have guts and they became terrified." John laughed.


1 Week Later

It was a few days before the new year of '67. None of them had anything special to do except wait for a whole new year. A few days earlier, John had suggested they quit touring for a while until everything calmed down. The four was all for it but Brian didn't like the idea. He kept declining even though John had begged him to stop the touring.

George and Paul had been talking at George's house. They kept it down due to everyone else asleep. It was late at night. Paul hadn't really noticed how late it was until he checked the time.

"Oh, wow. I gotta go Geo. Its 11:30pm. Linda's gonna think I'm dead or something."

George laughed. "Nah. She'll think yer with one of us."

"I hope. I really hope she doesn't kill me for being late."

"Get outta here before you waste any more time. Paul stood up and patted George on the shoulder. "See you tomorrow. Tell John I'm sorry I missed him."

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