Chapter 12

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Paul left and John just stayed on the couch, not wanting to move. He reached over and turned on the television to keep him occupied since he couldn't really do alot.

Now, he was really craving a cigarette since he and Paul talked about it. Now, he had to keep his mind occupied. Julian came in and crawled on the couch. John reached over and changed the channel until he found something good to watch.

He found the Andy Griffith Show and just left it. "You wanna watch this Jules?"

Julian nodded and laid on top of John. Unfortunately, he was laying on the bruise on John's chest and John had to move him a little.

George walked in through the back door. "Ey John! You here?"

"Yeh. In here Geo!"

George walked in all the way and walked toward the living room. "Ey. You doing okay?"

"Yeh. Why wouldn't I be?"

"Just askin'. Whatcha watching?"

"The Andy Griffith Show. The only thing interesting on television right now." He smiled and looked up at George. "Wanna watch with me?"

"Sure. Why not?"

George took a seat on the armrest of the couch.

The television only showed two episodes and John reached over and changed the channels once again but there was nothing on, so he turned it off.

John turned onto his back and looked at George. "Looks like yer thinking deep."

"Huh? Oh yeh. Just thinking is all."

"I do have a question for ye."


"Got a ciggie for me?"

"I do but you can't have one."



"Just one?"


"Fine. Could I at least have some whiskey?"

"That you can have."

"Thank you." John stood up and walked to the liquer cabinet and pulled out a bottle of whiskey and grabbed two glasses and walked back. Julian sat up and crawled up to George.


"Hi Julian. Have a nice morning?"


Once John poured the two glasses and handed one to George. Julian sniffed it and scrunched his nose, making George laugh.

"Looks like Jules hates it already and he's not even 21."

"If he turns out like me, he'll grow to love it."

"That's the last thing we need. For him to turn into ye."

"I've heard that before."

"Ey John. I got an idea."


"Every time you crave a cigarette, have a drink."

John took a swig of the alcohol. "That's not a bad idea. Maybe I should. Although, Paul's gonna question why I've been drinking so much." He laughed.

"No doubt. Ye'd be drunk all the time."

"Probably. That's better than nothing, right?"


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