Chapter 14

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It only took about 10 minutes to reach Paul's. Paul unlocked the door and walked in. Linda appeared from the bedroom.

"Hey. What are you all doing here?"

"We came to drop off Lennon Jr. Think you can watch him for a bit?" Paul asked.

"Yeah. I can do that."

"Thanks Linda." John said as hek knelt down to Julian's size. "You behave yerself."


"What do you mean no?"

"It means he's gonna act so much like you John."

"Hey! I behave."

There were four sets of eyes on him.


They never took their eyes off him.

"Okay. Okay. You can stop looking at me now."

"We all know you don't behave."

"Anyways......" He turned his attention back to Julian. "I'm serious Jules. Be nice to Linda here. Listen to her."


"I'll be back."

"Do you have to go?"

"Yeh. As I said, I'll be back as soon as I can."

"Okay." Julian gave him a hug and crawled on the couch.

"We gotta go."

John nodded and stood up as he waved to Linda and walked out with the others. "Look at this. We regrouped just like the last time we got into trouble."

"Well, we regroup anyways."

They were about to walk again. "Wait guys. I still got my car here." Ringo said.

"Great. Now we don't have to walk."

Ringo dug into his pocket and pulled out his keys. Ringo hopped in and waited for the others to. John sat up front, Brian and Paul sat by the window while George sat in the middle of both of them.

It took 10 minutes to get over to John's. There were two cars there. "Change of plans. Keep driving Rings." John said.

Ringo drove by without stopping. "That brings us the same question."

"Wait, if they're at my house, what makes us think they won't go to Paul's?"

"Very well. Paul's it is."

Ringo drove right back to Paul's. Linda went outside. "What are you doing back so quickly? It was only 20 minutes ago."

"Well, its complicated. Lets get inside."

John was the first inside and walked up to Julian. He was still on the couch. "Daddy!"

"Ey bud. Come here." He sat down on the couch and Julian crawled on top of him and put his arms around him and started to accidentally choke him.

"I wasn't gone that long. Please loosen yer grip." Julian loosened his grip and laid his head on his shoulder.

"So, wanna tell me why yer back so early?"

"Because there's strangers at John's house. Not at the door either. They're inside probably waiting for him to go home."

"The bad thing is, I wanted us to go to my house because I have hand guns in me safe fully loaded."

"Paul does as well. But its not in a safe. Its in the night stand in the bedroom. He has several in different places."

"Linda's right. I do." Paul left and grabbed all the hand guns he had and walked back. He had 5 just in case and handed them to each of them, including Brian. Brian has never really handled a gun before but he knew how to use it.

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