Chapter 4

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On the Train...........

They all got a private cabin so no fans could bother them. On their way to the cabin, several fans did but it wasn't a whole lot. Once they reached the cabin, they each collapsed on a seat.

"Alright boys, get some sleep before the next show tomorrow."

John and Ringo had already dozed off. "Okay, the rest of you get some sleep before tomorrow's show."

Paul laughed. "Ey Bri, could you do us all a favor?"


"Could you get a lighter or matches or something?"

"For what?"

"I still got smokes in me pocket."

"Yeh. I'll be right back."

Brian left and Paul took out the cigarettes and handed one to George. "Lets hope John or Ringo don't wake up."

Paul reached over and slapped John gently on the face.

"Nah. They won't. If he didn't wake up when I smacked him, he won't wake up."

Brian walked back and threw a pack of matches at Paul. "Thanks Bri." Paul quickly lit the cigarette and then lit George's with the same match.

After a few minutes, Ringo woke up. "Ey, throw me one will ye?"

Paul handed one to Ringo and gave him the pack of matches. "Thanks mate."

"After several days without one, it feels like I'm just starting out again."

"I know how ye feel Geo. Same with me. I tell ye, it feels good to finally have one."

Ringo chuckled. "I'm just surprised Johnny boy over here hasn't woke up yet."

"Does someone wanna check to make sure he's alive?" Paul asked.

George put a finger under John's nose. "He's breathing."

"Okay, well, there's our answer."

"Maybe we should mess with him."

"Seriously Paul, why would you wanna mess with the only guy who'll kill you if you do?................Lets do it." George agreed.

"So, how do we mess with Lennon?"

"I got an idea." Paul took out another cigarette.

"What is this idea of yers? I don't think I'll like it."

"No. No. Watch."

Paul lit it and placed it in John's fingers. Then, he lit another one and placed the second one in John's mouth. "There."

Ringo started laughing. "He'll kill himself."

"Nah. Only choke on the smoke."

Then, Paul lit a third one and placed it in John's left hand.

"Now he's ready for a smoke."

John just so happened to wake up. He hadn't realized there was a cigarette in his mouth until he started to cough. He took it out and looked at the others. "Why?"

"We thought you deserved it."

"Thanks for giving me three."

George took the one from his left hand. "Now you have two."

John placed both of them in his mouth and smiled. "Thanks to whoever did that. I really needed it."

"Yer gonna kill yerself with two."

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