Chapter 6

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August 29..............

It was their last show for the tour. The show had finally finished and they each were eager to go home. Brian was waiting for them backstage.

"Boys, well done! Now, before we leave, I'll give you two options to choose from."

"Depends on what it is."

"If we take a train back to Liverpool, it'll take 3 days to get there. But, if we take a plane, it'll take 11 hours."

"I say train."



George and John nodded in agreement. "I say train as well. Can't deal with any more planes."


The five of them spent 3 days on the plane. Three boring days. They finally made it back to Liverpool.

"Its about time!"

Brian had dropped each one off at their homes.

John's Residence

John first walked in and Julian came running up to him. "Daddy!"

"Hi buddy!" John knelt down and picked Julian up. "So, did ye miss me?"


"You did?! Well, I guess I missed you too buddy. Now, tell me, where yer mum at?"

"I don't know."

"You don't know? I thought you were supposed to keep your eye on her."

Julian giggled. John walked further into his house and Cynthia was just cooking some food. She hadn't realized he was home until she felt his arms wrap around her. She jumped and screamed. She was about to attack when she turned around and realized who it was.

"John!" She hugged him tightly.

"Hey. How are you?"

"Just fine. I guess I should get three plates instead of two right?"

"Wrong. I don't really want anything to eat."

"Are you sure?"


"Oh, just so you know, next time you come up behind me when I don't know yer home, I probably won't hesitate to hit ye."

"I can take it."

"Can you?"

"Yeh. I can take it."

Cynthia fixed his shirt collar. "So, tell me what happened. You never told me."

"You didn't watch the conference?"

"No. So, why didn't ye make it to the second and third shows?"

"Our plane had a fight with a lightning bolt. Sent it crashing down. We weren't hurt surprisingly."

"Didn't realize it was that serious."

"Its fine. Its fine. We survived over 24 hours without help. Once we realized where we were, we were in Detroit, where we needed to be for the night of the crash."

"How did you survive without killing each other?"

"Uh, we had to work together to survive. Now, I'm taking a kip. I barely had any sleep the last couple weeks."

"You look it too. Get going."

"What about Jules? He tends to wake me when I sleep and he's awake."

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