Chapter 13

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"It wouldn't happen anyways John. For almost 3 years, we've been trying to survive, without any help m

ind you." Ringo said.

"Well, we did have help. Very little help by the police. Even they couldn't keep us safe." They made a turn to Brian's neighborhood and walked up his drive without saying a word.

George got to the door first and knocked pretty loud so their manager could hear.

"I'm coming. Hold yer horses." He heard Brian say.

"He's home."

Brian opened the door. "Boys. What are you doing here?"

"Can we come in?"

"I guess so."

Brian stepped to the side and each of them walked in. "Did you walk here? I don't see a car."

"That's because all four tires were shot out of both cars."

Paul set Julian down on the couch.

"So, what's that mean?"

"We had a tail while we walked here."

As John passed Brian, he smelled a hint of smoke. "John, can I ask you a question?"

"That depends. What kind of question is it?"

"Don't worry. You should be able to answer it."

"Oh really? It better not be a yes and no question."

"For some reason, I think you already know what I'm gonna ask. Did you have a smoke?"

"Uh, no?"

"Are you lying?"

"I don't think so." John gave an innocent smile.

"Yer lying. You had a smoke."

"Yeh I did. But it was only one."

"One could turn into wanting more. Stay away from them Lennon."

"I will if we get out of this."

"No. You'll do it now. No more cigarettes for you."


"Oh and John, hand me the pack that's in yer pocket."

"I have no idea what yer talking about."

"Don't make me get Paul to search yer pockets."

John sighed and reached into his pocket and threw the pack at him.

"The other pack in yer right pocket."

John rolled his eyes and took out the second pack and threw it at him.

George grabbed the one in his shirt pocket.

"How many packs do you have on you?"

"Just these?"

"Give us all yer packs."

"I ain't got no more."

"Yer wearing cargo pants. You have three pockets that were left unsearched, not including yer back pockets."

"Yer accusing me of having 6 total packs on me?"

"Knowing you, you would have 10 packs and hide them from us in case we got into another life and death situation. Give them all to me."

"Fine." John dug into the other pockets on his pants and threw them at him.

"Now, is that all?"

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