Chapter 21

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It was getting to be lunch time. John was just starting to wake up even though he didn't want to. He had been jamming with the boys to see if that would help, and it was........sort of. He had been drinking a ton of coffee and smoking occasionally in between songs.

"I thought you weren't supposed to be smoking that much."

"I'm not. But its waking me up isn't it?"

"No. Its not."

"Yeh it is." He faked a smile.

"So, the coffee's helping?"

John looked up at Ringo. "Nope."

"You've been downing so much of it today and its not even helping you one bit?"


"Then we keep playing. That seems to help you."

"A little. I'm a little awake." He set his guitar down. "Would one of you do me a favor?"


"Follow me." He stood up and filled a cup full of water. He turned around to the first one he saw. "Alright Geo. This is up to you since yer closer. I hate to do this to meself but its the only option."

"Throw it in yer face?"

"Yep. Think you can handle it?"

"I got it covered." George walked up to him and grabbed the glass. "Ready?"

"Nope. But go ahead."

George nodded and threw the water into his face. It woke him up immediately. "Thanks man. That worked for some reason." He reached over and grabbed a wash rag and wiped his face from the water.

"Alright. Lets go back in there."

Paul, George and Ringo all went back in. Paul turned around. "Ey, we lost one."

"Must still be in the kitchen. I'll see if he wants to join us."

"You do that."

George walked back into the kitchen and sighed. It wasn't what he expected. John was leaning against the counter, arms crossed, head down, snoring. George approached him and lightly touched his arm and he jumped.

"I wasn't asleep!"

"Right. Come on."

"Where we going?"

"I'm taking you to yer bed so you could sleep."

"But I'm not tired."

"You fell asleep right after I threw water in yer face. I say yer pretty knackered."

"But I'm not."

"Yer only lying to yerself. Come on. No arguments."

"No. I'm not tired."

"Ugh, Paul!"

Paul appeared in the doorway. "Yeh?"

"Help me out will ye?"

"You don't need his help to get me outta here."

"No, just his help to get you where you need to go."

"Where we taking him Geo?"

"His room. He fell asleep within seconds of me throwing water in his face."

"Uh-huh. Right. Come 'ead John."

"But I don't wanna."

"We don't care. You can't even keep yer eyes open. Tell me, how'd you sleep last night? You already told Ringo you slept pretty good."

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