Chapter 28

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There have been some side effects to whatever was in the coffee. Lack of concentration was one of the side effects. It already started hitting both John and Ringo.

"Guys, we're not going to get anything right if you keep screwing up."

"Sorry Paul."

"What's the matter with you and Ringo?"

"What are you talking about?" Ringo asked.

"Just asking. It isn't every day when two of us can't think straight."

"I don't know about you, but, I'm tired."

"We've only been here for at least 20 minutes. I think we now have clarification that something was in our drinks."

"I'm fine." John said.


"What, I'm not allowed to be tired?"

"Not right after ye drank that coffee. How much did you drink?"

"Uh, at least half of it."

"What about you Rings?"

"Bout the same."

"So, we're all in trouble."

"So far, only two of ye have shown symptoms. I think we need to get you all checked out. It could be something serious."

"But it also might not be."

"Would you rather be safe, than sorry?"

"I guess so."

"It could have very well been a seditive so they could take ye again. That could explain the drowsiness and not being able to think straight."

John pulled the gun out again. He stood up and started looking thoroughly. He even opened the door and walked out to see if he could see anything.


After a few seconds, he was about to walk back inside, something caught his eye. He turned back around and noticed someone in the bushes.

"Alright! Show yer face you coward!" John called out. Someone stood up with their hands raised. He realized it wasn't an adult. It was a child that looked no more than 5 years old. Now, he figured it was a trap.

The kid started walking toward him. He lowered his gun and sprinted toward her. "What are you doing here all alone?"

She shrugged.

"Come on."

He picked her up and kept his gun raised. He continued to watch his back as he reached the door. He heard some rustling in the bushes again.

He spoke to the little girl. "Did bad men take you?"

She nodded.

"Okay. I'll see if I can locate yer parents. What's yer name?"


"That's a very pretty name. Lets get inside before the bad men come again."

Paul had opened the door. "John, what are you doing with that girl?"

"Easy Paul. They took her. I expected it to be a trap. But nothing happened. We need to locate her family."

"Get her inside. It could still be a trap."

John leaned in to Paul. "Listen, there's someone in the bushes behind." John handed his gun over to Paul and Paul put it back in his holster. "I don't know what they're trying to accomplish, but they went overboard with kidnapping a child."

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