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Did not expect him..

n a d i a .

I felt my heart get stuck in my throat as a familiar figure turned around and looked as surprised as I did. Christian Yelich. A person I had considered a best friend since we were little. He had moved to Miami to be on the Marlins, but never did I think we would end up in the same place again.

"Nadia?" He questioned, walking towards me, looking confused. "Like Nadia my old best friend Nadia?"

I rolled my eyes and nodded. "Yes, Christian. It's me, in the flesh." Before I knew it, I was embraced by Christian's arms as he gave me a tight hug. I rested my head against his chest as I hugged him back. I hadn't hugged him this hard since before he went to Miami.

He stepped back from the hug, putting his arms on my shoulders. "You're short." He said with a laugh, causing me to roll my eyes again. "And you're tall." I say with a smile, looking up at him before hugging him again. It was crazy how you can be away from someone for so long, but once you're together again, you feel like you weren't apart for that long.

"How you've been?" He asked, moving his arms off my shoulders and sat down on the couch that was in the room. I sat down next to him and shrugged.

"Same old, same old. Just been going to school, working, the usual. What about you, superstar? Anything interesting with you?" I asked, punching his arm playfully.

He laughed. "Just been playing baseball, living my best life out here. Definitely a change from being in Miami, but I love it. And it's definitely better now that I know you're living here!" Christian said, leaning back against the couch, keeping his attention on me.

There was something about his eyes that captivated me. He was interested in what I had to say and listened to me, and his attention was on me. I had to control myself from blushing, but he looks so god damn handsome.

"Yeah, I bet!" I said with a smile then kind of checked him out, looking him up and down without making it too noticeable. "Y-you look really good..Age is definitely doing you well." I said, immediately regretting what I had just said. Stupid Nadia, stupid.

His smile grew bigger when he heard me. "Yeah? I was hoping. Don't have any gray hairs yet, but i bet they're coming soon. With this sport? I expect to see them within the next year." He laughed and took his hat off, tossing it on the table. "You look really good as well...Damn." He said, checking me out, and it was very noticeable.

My cheeks were instantly red and on fire. "Shut up, Yelich." I laughed, hitting his arm again. He grabbed my arm and tickled my side, knowing it was hard to break from his grip. "S-Stop!" I laughed loudly. I used my other hand to grab his arm and hold it down. "No tickling. You should know I don't fuck around with tickling."

Me laughing caused him to laugh and that was something I missed hearing. "That's the fun of it, though! Because I know you hate it, so I do it, to annoy you." I scrunched up my nose at him, trying to look mad and angry, but it didn't work out, just resulted in us both laughing.

One of Christian's teammates came and put his hands on his shoulders from behind. "Coming to batting practice? Or are you gonna keep flirting it up with Aspen's little sister?" He rose an eyebrow and I looked back to see it was Ryan Braun. He was the only Brewer I truly recognized as he has been on the team for a while and I remember seeing him at Dodgers games.

Christian's cheeks turned a shade of pink as he rolled his eyes and stood up. "Hey, she's my best friend from back home. We're just catching up. I'll be there in a second." Ryan nodded, giving the look of 'okay sure, buddy' as he walked out. I hadn't even noticed my sister had left me and Christian alone, but once Ryan left, it was just us two again. He held his hands out as I grabbed them and stood up, looking up at him.

"You're going to cheer me on, right?" He asked, looking in my eyes, causing my cheeks to blush again.

I nodded. "Of course, silly. What kind of friend would I be if I didn't?" I laughed, smiling at him. "Go out and kick ass, okay?" I asked, keeping the smile on my face. Damn, he was already reeling me in.

Christian nodded, giving me a tight squeeze before pulling back and smiled. "Good. I'll see you later then, yeah?" I nodded at him and we parted ways as we headed opposite directions.

That god damn smile..

safe with me. / c yelich. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now