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"We don't have to be ordinary, make your best mistakes."

n a d i a .

Christian was beyond excited to welcome our boy. Another man running around the house and causing a mess, but I was fine with it; Christian would have someone following in his footsteps and looking up to him, and that's what I admired.

He had gone out and bought more boy clothes, that included more Brewers merchandise. Our boy was going to be so spoiled, and I guess I'm also to blame for that. I just wanted my kid to feel love and appreciated, and of course I'm going to give them the love they deserve without gifts, I just want happiness for them.

I was ready to get him out of me and into the world; I was beyond exhausted all the time and always wanting a nap. My feet were swollen, my bump was huge, my boobs were hurting, just overall miserable. Don't get me wrong, I've loved being pregnant, but, I want to hold my baby.


Christian was sitting in the living room, watching TV and on his phone. I walked in and sat next to him, laying my head on his lap. "We need to think of names for our baby boyyy." I smiled up at him as Christian locked his phone and looked down at me.

"Well? Do you have any ideas?" He asked, playing with a strand of my hair.

"I was hoping you would have some suggestions for me..." I giggled.

Christian smiled and shrugged, "I mean, my names sound lame..But, I like Wyatt, Micah, Emmett, Benji.."

"Wait..I like Wyatt." I smiled at him and ran my fingers up and down his arm. "What about middle name? Did you want him to have your name?"

He shook his head, "Nah, that's too cliche. I was thinking like Wyatt Nathaniel or something along those lines, did you have any suggestions?" Christian asked, resting his hand on my belly.

I shrugged, "I really like Wyatt for the first name, for sure." I tapped my chin, thinking for a minute. "Wyatt Nathaniel does flow together really nice, and it's a name you don't really hear. Case closed. It's Wyatt." I smiled at him as he leaned down and kissed me.

"Wyatt Nathaniel Yelich, he's gonna be a badass when he grows up," Christian laughed, "Getting all the girls, and being the best baseball player. Well, second best..." He laughed again and I just rolled my eyes at him.

"He's definitely going to be a ladies man for sure, because his dad surely was." I smirked up at him and he just shook his head. "What? You always had girls flirting with you in high school, and I bet they were flirting it up with you in Miami!"

"I mean, they were, but, I was more of a tool than I was a ladies man, and I'll be the first to admit that I was kind of a douchebag my first couple years of the professional league. Guess everything just got to my head." He said, putting his hand on my belly where Wyatt was kicking, "But, I got a beautiful girl now, we have a beautiful baby boy on his way, and we're both happy with one another. I wouldn't trade that for the world."

"Oh, even your junior and senior year of high school you started getting all cocky, thinking you were the best because you had MLB scouts watching you at games." I giggled, remembering how overly-confident Christian would get in high school when it came to baseball. He had a reputation to keep up, but, sometimes it was overboard.

"You still stayed my best friend though, right?" He asked, smiling at me, "Exactly. You can't say anything. You let it happen." He laughed.

I gasped and shook my head. "I did not! I tried to tell you to chill out with it and you were like 'Nadia, trust me, I'm fine, I'm not being cocky', but baby? You were being cocky.." I giggled and sat up, putting my hand on my belly. Christian stood up, holding out his hands as I took them and stood up.

"You're really beautiful, you know that?" Christian said, kissing my cheek, "I always say this, but you seriously glow and I love your bump, and I love you." I couldn't help but blush as he complimented me. "And I love Wyatt." He said, that stupid smile never leaving his lips.

I walked with him to the bedroom, closing the door behind us. "Can you grab me a pair of sweatpants? I would, but, can't really bend down." I giggled and Christian grabbed me a pair of his sweats as I stripped down to my bra and panties, sliding the sweats on. "I don't feel like putting on a shirt, plus, it's a sports bra." I shrugged, getting in bed.

Christian stripped off his shirt and slid on some sweats, getting in bed next to me. "It's okay, helps us see if Wyatt is kicking like crazy." He smiled and moved down, resting a hand on my belly again, gently kissing it. "You need to hurry up and get here, dude...We just wanna meet you!" He said, and I just smiled as he talked to Wyatt.

This whole father thing was coming so naturally to Christian and I could tell he wasn't nervous and was excited for what the future was going to bring. I wouldn't want anyone else to be my son's father. He has been nothing short of amazing and I am so extremely blessed to have him.

"You're gonna grow up and be the best baseball player and we're going to be cheering for you. And everyone is going to think you're cool because Christian Yelich is your dad and he was one of the best.." Christian laughed, looking up at me, "Just telling him what his future is going to be like." He kissed my belly again, "But, you'll probably end up being a momma's boy, because she's got some kind of special charm on her. She can always make you a sucker for her. I don't know how she does it, it's magic, bud." I smiled big, putting my hands over my flushed cheeks.

He kissed my belly one more time before moving back up and wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. "He's gonna be a fucking cute ass kid." He said, kissing my cheek.

"I mean, look at his dad! He's pretty cute." I replied, running my fingers up and down Christian's arm. He smiled, pulling the blankets up and snuggled close to me. "I love you, baby.." I said softly as I moved my hand to play with the hair on the back of his head.

"I love you too, beautiful.." Christian replied, kissing me before he closed his eyes and fell asleep pretty quick. I followed shortly after, resting in my man's arms with our little miracle on his way.

safe with me. / c yelich. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now