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After the game, Christian walked into our place carrying Wyatt who was asleep on his shoulder. I hadn't seen Wyatt have that much fun in a long time and it definitely made me have a better day. I wanted nothing but the best for my son, and I couldn't wait to welcome a sibling for him into the world.

Once Christian got Wyatt in bed, I was laying in our room watching something on Netflix after showering and looked up at Christian, smiling. "Hi, cutie." I said, pausing the show.

"Hi, beautiful." Christian said, taking off his shoes and climbed into bed next to me. "Did you have a good day?" He asked me, kissing my cheek.

I nod, looking at him, "I did. Wyatt had an amazing day, so I had a great day. He really looked like he was having the greatest day of his life."

Christian smiled, "I wanted to make sure he had lots of fun."

"Oh, he definitely did, babe," I smile and run my hand through his hair, "You are such an amazing daddy..." I tell him before kissing his forehead.

"Still crazy to me that you're having another baby! I just can't get over it." Christian said, putting his hand on my stomach, "You got a little one growing in there. Wyatt's gonna be so happy when he finds out about them."

"He's gonna be so confused when my belly gets bigger," I giggle and lay my head on his shoulder.

Christian chuckled, nodding, "Oh for sure," He played with a strand of my hair, "I think you and I should do a little weekend getaway.."

I sit up and look at him, "Oh yeah? To where?" I ask.

"I was thinking maybe Miami? Hit some beaches, hit up some clubs, I know you can't really drink, but it's always fun to go out and dance..." He suggested, shrugging at me.

"I think that would be a lot of fun, baby." I reply, kissing his cheek. "Just you and me for a weekend, I can't complain."


I woke up in the middle of the night in excruciating pain. My hips felt like a brick had been sat on them and it was hard for me to move.

I shook Christian lightly, "Baby...I-I can't move..." I stammer out, fighting back tears as I try to sit up and swing my legs over the bed.

Christian stirred awake, looking at me, "Baby, what's going on?"

I put my hands on my thighs, trying to force myself up but just can't do it. "I can't move, and I'm in so much pain..." I say before choking out a sob. He gets up quick, going around to my side of the bed and held his hands out for me to grab and stand up. The pain is unbearable. It's taking everything I have in me to stand up.

That's when I feel something trickle down my leg. "No...No, no no..." I mutter, looking down at my legs and then at Christian, "We need to get to the ER..."

Christian looked concerned, "What? What's happening?" He looked at my legs, noticing the blood trickling down my leg, "Fuck, Uh, shit.. Let me get Wyatt in the car. Here, I'll walk you down there then come back up and get him..."

"C-Call my sister..." I say, closing my eyes tightly to try and subside the pain.

He nods, grabbing his phone, while still hanging on to me and called my sister. She answered rather quickly and was here within ten mins.

"I got here as soon as I could..." She looked at us, "You two go, I got Wyatt." She kissed my temple and I nod before Christian helps me to the car.

"Baby, it hurts so bad..." I say, letting out another sob as I practically collapse into him. The pain was radiating through my body and I just wanted it to be over.

"We're getting there as fast as we can, babe. I promise..." He helped me into the seat and got into the drivers seat, driving quickly to the hospital.

Once we arrive, they get us into a room where they perform an ultrasound and give me something to help the pain subside. I had no idea what was going on, and the thought of losing our baby killed me.

The doctor comes back in, holding a chart. "I am sorry to inform you, but, you did suffer from a miscarriage tonight, Mrs. Yelich..."

I lost them. The baby was gone. I felt the room go silent and although the doctor was talking, I couldn't hear them.

"It can happen without warning, and can even happen without causing you this much pain. You did nothing wrong, your body just wasn't wanting to carry another pregnancy..." The doctor said, sighing. "We are gonna keep you overnight to monitor you and make sure your levels stay where they need to be.." She put her hand on my arm, "Again, I am so sorry..." She said before walking out.

I didn't really know how to react. I looked over at Christian, who I could tell was devastated. He was broken and I know he was trying to hold it in for me. I reach over and grab his hand, bringing it to my lips and kissed it gently.

"I am so sorry, Nads..." He whispers, a tear falling from his cheek. That's when my tears start to fall, I hated seeing him cry.

I nod, sniffling. I couldn't reply, the words wouldn't come out of my mouth. What was I supposed to do? Cry? Scream? Yell? Pull my hair out? I didn't know, and I just felt helpless.

Christian looked over at me, grazing his thumb across my hand, "I wish I could've done something..." He says before wiping under his eyes and just shook his head. "There had to have been something I could've done..." He mumbled, sniffling as he stood up. "I'll be back.." He walked out of the room and I was left there alone. Alone with all my thoughts and emotions.

I couldn't do anything but cry. My body felt so numb and the only way I could express emotion was to cry, let all of it out. My baby was gone, and I couldn't do anything to save it.

Christian walked back in ten minutes later, his eyes red and puffy from crying. "I called your sister.." He said before sitting down next to me. "She said she'll stay over to make sure Wyatt is okay. And I called our moms..."

I look at him and nod, "Can you come up here and sit next to me..?" I ask quietly, letting more tears streak down my cheeks. Christian nods and moves to sit in the bed next to me and pulls me close to him and that's when the full on crying session starts.

I sob into his chest, my heart breaking and body hurting. I clench onto his shirt, feeling his embrace tighten around me and he begins to rub my back.

"I'm so sorry..." He says again, "I am so, so, so sorry, baby..." He repeats, unable to really figure out what to say either.

This was really going to be a hard thing to process and start all over with.

safe with me. / c yelich. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now