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Christian had been gone for Spring Training for a week now and I was missing him like crazy. Wyatt isn't that old, but I could tell that he was missing his daddy. The house felt super big without him there, and didn't feel right going to bed without him by my side.

It had been a while since we have spent time apart; He was always with me during my pregnancy and now that he's across the country from me, it was really hitting me. I didn't do much but clean around the house, run errands with Wyatt, go see my siblings, and sit around the house, things I would do with Christian but he isn't home to do these things with me.


I laid Wyatt in his bassinet in our bedroom and grabbed my laptop, and texted Christian to see if he was busy.

nads: hi babeee.
christian: hey babygirl. perfect timing, just got done with practice.
christian: what are you doing?
nads: i actually wanted to know if you could facetime .. wyatt's in his bassinet right now sleeping but i would love to see you
christian: yeah baby! let me just get back to my place here and i'll call you as soon as i'm there, okay?

I sighed, getting up to change into something comfier while I waited for Christian to get back to his place after practice. I grabbed one of Christian's shirts, pulling it over my head and slipped on a pair of spandex as well.

My laptop started ringing meaning Christian was calling me on FaceTime. I smiled and went back to the bed, putting the laptop on my lap and answered it, smiling when I saw him on the screen.

"Hi handsome.." I said, still smiling like an idiot.

"Hi pretty lady. How are you?" He asked, taking his hat off and tossed it.

I shrugged, "Eh, same old. Just been chilling out around home with Wyatt. We went to Aspen's for a little bit and hung out there, but he was super fussy and just needed a nap."

Christian nodded, "Can I see him?" He asked and I got up with my laptop and pointed the webcam into the bassinet where Wyatt laid sleeping like an angel. "He looks so content and peaceful."

I nodded, giggling quietly as I sat back down, tucking hair behind my ear. "I think he knows that you're gone, he definitely has become more fussy, but I laid one of your shirts in his crib with him and that helped him fall asleep better." I told him, he smiled in response.

"I miss you two so fucking bad." Christian said, sighing. "It's so beautiful out here and you would love it, and Wyatt would love all the attention from the wives and girlfriends out here." He laughed, moving to lay on his stomach. "Only a couple more weeks, babygirl."

I let out a sigh, nodding and frowned, "I miss you too...The bed definitely feels much bigger without you here with me. But, I got some of your clothes so I'm comfy." I smiled.

"I see that. Me being gone gives you an excuse to raid my side of the closet."

"Exactly!" I said, giggling. "You can't chase me around the house." I smirked, "Your shirts make great outfits by themselves."

Christian shook his head, letting out a chuckle. "You wearing just my shirts out in public? You letting guys check you out? Because if they lay a hand on you, I swear-.."

"Christian, baby, calm down...I have shorts on underneath! I'm pretty sure they know that I'm taken if I'm wearing things with your name on it that people don't own." I giggled, "And I love wearing that quarter zip up with leggings, and people always ask me where I got it and I say my boyfriend's closet." I smiled big and cheesy at him.

safe with me. / c yelich. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now