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"baby you're a one of one to me."


asspen, christianyelich, gageanes and 163,936 others liked

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asspen, christianyelich, gageanes and 163,936 others liked.
   nadiaanes: it's game day which means cute pics
>>user1: ok how tf are u so gorgeous
        >>nadiaanes liked your comment!
>>user2: i don't see the yelich jersey on 🧐
         >>christianyelich: she'll raid my locker when she gets to the stadium.
         >>nadiaanes: you're really out here exposing me...

          >>nadiaanes: you're really out here exposing me

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nadiaanes, travis.shaw21, brewers, and 367,282 others liked.
     | christianyelich: i love having a personal photographer @nadiaanes
>>nadiaanes: oh so that's all I'm good for...ok
      >>user1: let me fight him for you
>>user2: she takes all the good photos anyways
       >>nadiaanes liked your comment!
>>user3: not to be dramatic but....adopt me....


Game days were stressful to me. I never really knew why, I wasn't playing, but I always was stressed, even for Christian. I knew he wanted to do his best and I really wasn't one to comment on anything that was wrong with his uniform or anything on game days. I was there to hype him up and help him out when he needed a boost.

I got to the park a little bit after Christian did, walking to the clubhouse and set a water bottle in his cubbie before walking out. I ran into Christian on my way out, stumbling back a bit, "Oh, hi, superstar." I smiled up at him. 

"Hey you, what were you doing?" Christian asked, pulling me into a hug. 

"I got you some water and put it in your cubbie. I knew you were busy practicing so I didn't want to bother you..." I told him, hugging him back. 

Christian smiled, kissing my head and looked at me, "Well, thank you, babe." He sighed, "Batting practice was rough, don't know why, but I was doing shit." He shook his head and I looked up at him, frowning. 

"Are you tired? Stressed?" I asked, rubbing his arm.

He just shrugged, going to sit down in his chair in the clubhouse. I followed him, standing in front of him as he just looked at his phone. "I didn't really sleep well last night, my back's been bugging me.." He said, looking at me and I took his phone, setting it in his cubbie. I grabbed his hands and kissed them. 

"Why don't you go to the trainer and stretch your back out?" I swung our hands, maintaining eye contact with him.

"Well, it's fine right now. But when I was batting, I just felt it tweak up in like my lower back, I don't know why. I was doing fine.." Christian said, sighing and I moved, sitting on his lap. "I appreciate you coming in here, though.." 

I sighed, kissing his forehead, playing with his shirt. "I'm sorry, babe...I wish there was something I could do..." I told him, rubbing his arms again.

He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, shrugging, "Just talking about it helps, honestly. I appreciate it. I almost want to ask to sit out, but at the same time, my team needs me out there..." 

"If you're in pain and feel like you need to sit out? Talk to Counsell, work something out where maybe you play a couple innings at a time? Play until you feel that you've had enough." I suggested, looking at our hands, then at him. "I know you wanna be out there and playing, but you also have to listen to your body.." I kissed his cheek then his lips. 

Christian kissed me back then pulled away, moving me off of his lap and stood up, stretching out. "I gotta go change, I'll meet you out there in like ten minutes.." 

I nodded, giving him another kiss before walking out of the clubhouse. I worried about him; I know Christian loves baseball and he always wants to play, but with his back, the last thing I need is him tweaking it up really bad and putting himself out for the season. 


Christian played half the game before I could tell his back was really bugging him. He walked down to the trainers to get his back stretched out and got a heating pack on it. After the game, he was quiet walking to his car. I stopped him, looking at him. "Christian, you okay?"

He looked over at me and nodded, "Just tired. I'll see you at home." He told me, getting in his car. I sighed, nodding and got in my car, driving home.

When I got home, Christian was getting out of the shower and looked over at me, "I grabbed some food, I don't know if you're hungry or not.." He said and I nodded, taking my shoes off.

"Okay, baby. Are you okay?" I asked, walking over by him.

Christian nodded, "Yeah, baby. Just a little sore and tired." 

"You left the park pretty quick and abrupt." I said, walking with him into the bedroom. "And I just got worried about you.." 

"I'm fine, babe. Like I said, just sore and tired." He said as he grabbed sweats and boxers to change into. 

I nodded, changing into a pair of shorts and a sports bra, looking at Christian. "Want cuddles?" I asked, smiling at him. Christian nodded, climbing in bed next to me and pulled me close, kissing my head. 

"Thank you." He said, pulling the blankets up.


"Just helping me out tonight. I know you're concerned, and I know you are worried about me. But, I'm fine, baby. I appreciate the concern." He said, looking at me. 

I smiled and nodded, "Of course, babe. I want you to be happy and healthy." I wrapped my arms around him, cuddling into his side. "I love you very much.." I kissed his cheek.

"I love you too, Nads." Christian said before turning off the lights and pulled me as close as he could before falling asleep. 

(A/N: something short and sweet to fill but OMG thank you for 5k reads wtf!! i honestly didn't expect for people to like this so much and it makes me so happy that so many people are enjoying this and leaving feedback. I truly appreciate it!! my other 2 are doing good as well, but definitely most proud of this one! thank you alll!!!!!)

safe with me. / c yelich. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now