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Christian has been spending the last couple of nights out with friends and would come home drunk every time. I get he was trying to have fun, but, I wasn't having fun. Wyatt needed his dad, I needed my fiancé, and him getting plastered every night wasn't helping.

I sat on the couch and waited for him to get home; It was nearly 3 in the morning and I had yet to hear anything from him. Not even a drunk text message was sent, it had me worried. Wyatt was sound asleep in his bedroom and I picked the nail polish off of my fingers as I couldn't get the worse case scenarios out of my head.


4:30AM and Christian finally walked in. I could smell the alcohol on him, he wasn't as drunk as I thought he would be. I crossed my arms and looked at him as he took his shoes off and looked at me, "Why are you up?" He asked.

"Because you were out late again, Christian. It's four in the morning and I've stayed up waiting for you. Like I did last night, and the night before." I told him, shaking my head.

"You don't need to, I'm fine." He laughed, "I literally was out until 2 then crashed at Ryan's place for a couple of hours to sober up." Christian moved to sit next to me and I moved away, "Nads, cmon.."

I looked at him, "You think I enjoy waiting up for you? Especially when you don't answer any of my text messages? How do you think that makes me feel, huh?" I ran my fingers through my hair, sighing, "Why are you going out so much? This is totally unlike you. You haven't done this in a while..." I asked him, "If something's on your mind or bugging you, you shouldn't be using alcohol as an outlet..." I said, frowning at him.

Christian took a deep breath and sighed, "I'm fine, Nadia. Trust me." Nadia. He hadn't called me that in a long while; Usually only called me that when he was mad at me.

"Are you mad at me?" I asked.

"No, just annoyed that you think I'm some child or something," He shook his head, "I'm fine. I'm not drunk like how I was the previous nights, so you can't get mad at me for that." Christian said, getting up. "I'm going to bed, I'm tired. You can come if you want, or don't, really doesn't matter to me."

I sat there for a moment until he was half way down the hall, "I don't treat you like a child, Christian. I text you and stay up for you because I get worried." I said, hugging my knees, "It worries me when you don't answer me, because what if something happened? What if you got hurt? I wouldn't know, I didn't wait up for you.."

Christian turned and walked back down the hall and leaned against the wall, "You don't need to stay up for me. If I don't text you, nine times out of ten, my phone is dead."

"Okay, but I'm saying, in the case that something does happen, how would I know? That's not fair to me or your son." I told him, crossing my arms again.

"Don't bring Wyatt into this, he has nothing to do with this."

"Christian, you're his father. I am pretty sure going out every night and drinking is setting a pretty poor example for your son to follow." I raised my voice a little, feeling my body get tense with anger.

"What the fuck does that have to do with anything, Nadia? I don't reply once because my phone's dead and you act like I haven't talked to you in days." Christian said, scoffing.

I just shook my head, "It's happened every fucking night you've been out, Christian! You literally don't text me at all until like an hour before you get home! How is that fair to me?? How do you think that makes me feel?" I asked, glaring at him.

"Don't raise your voice, he's sleeping."

"Oh, so you care about him now, but don't seem to care when you have alcohol in your system.." I said, biting my tongue to hold back on saying anything else.

Christian looked at me confused and offended, "Are you saying I don't care about my fucking son? Because I do, Nadia. How fucking dare you even think that.." He rolled his eyes, "Sleep on the fucking couch for all I care, sleep outside, doesn't matter to me." He said before walking into the bedroom.

I sat on the couch, jumping slightly when I heard Christian slam the door. I got up, fighting back tears and walked into Wyatt's room, picking him up. "C'mon, bubby, daddy needs to be alone for a bit.." I whispered as I grabbed his diaper bag and walked out the front door of our place. I sat him in his car seat and drove over to Aspen's place.

When I got to Aspen's, I knocked on the door; Hopefully she would be up. She usually was up at this time to work out. Aspen opened the door and looked confused, "Hey Nads, what's going on?"

I just shook my head and walked inside, "I don't really want to be there right now.." I said quietly, voice cracking as I was still fighting back tears.

"What happened?" Aspen asked as she took Wyatt out of his car seat and held him in her arms.

I took a deep breath, exhaling a shaky breath as I sat on the couch, "For the last couple of nights, Christian's been going out and getting plastered beyond his ass. He wouldn't text me or call me, maybe text me once, but it would be a drunken message. I don't know what's going or why he's doing it, but he came home tonight, relatively sober and I tried to explain it to him and we just ended up fighting." I sniffled, looking down,

"He said I could sleep on the couch or outside, it didn't matter to him..." I blinked, letting the tears fall down my cheeks.

Aspen sat Wyatt in his rocking mobile and sat next to me, pulling me into her arms. "I am sorry, Nads.." She said, rubbing my back. "Maybe it's best you two spend a day or so apart, allow yourselves to just regather yourself and take a breather." She sighed, continuing to rub my back. "I'm sorry he was an ass about it...You know your room is still open to you and Wyatt.." Aspen said and I nodded, going to pick up Wyatt who was sound asleep. "I'll see you later, Nads."

I nodded and kissed Wyatt's head, walking up the stairs to my old room and laid Wyatt down in bed before getting in bed next to him. I desperately needed sleep, I just wanted to sleep away what happened..Pretend it was some kind of dream, but it was just a living nightmare.

safe with me. / c yelich. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now