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"you say he's just a friend..."

n a d i a .

I looked at myself through my mirror as I finished applying some makeup to my face to liven up my look for this 'date' with Christian. My face screamed nervous; I hadn't been on a date in over a year, let alone with someone like Christian. He's my best friend, he helped me through a lot, then baseball came and it slowly became a rarity to talk to him. But, seeing him again caused a wave of emotions to rush through my body. Definitely was not expecting him to be that attractive, I think it was obvious how taken back I was when I saw him.

I stood in front of my closet, contemplating on what I wanted to wear. Definitely wanted to impress Christian, not that it would mean anything besides friendly....I grabbed a pair of jeans, a white tank top and a loose jacket to go over the top. It was starting to get to the point where the weather can't make up their mind on what they want the temperature to be, so always come prepared.

I took a quick picture in the bathroom mirror, trying to capture this outfit, because honestly? I looked pretty good..

Taking a deep breath, I nodded to myself and grabbed my phone and wallet as I walked downstairs to see Aspen sitting on the couch, beaming a cheesy smile at me. "Oooooh Nadia! You look fucking good!" She said as she whispered and laughed. I rolled my eyes, fixing my top and looked at myself in the mirror again. "You're really trying to get in his pants, huh?" She asked, causing me to blush.

"No! I told you, he's my best friend. This is a casual outfit, for a casual date. As friends. I can't roll out in sweats and a messy bun, as much as I would love to..I have to present myself; Make myself look good." I stated, sitting on the couch across from her.

"Whatever, you two will totally be fucking by the end of the night." She laughed. "I just know it. He had his eyes on you yesterday."

I shook my head, playing with the holes in my jeans. "I told you, we're friends. I just saw him for the first time in years yesterday. Yeah, he looks really fucking good, but I'm not going to try and make a move on him the second day. Besides, what if he doesn't even feel that way? You know how boys are, they'll flirt with a girl until they get bored of her and then dump her and act like nothing happened. That would ruin our friendship..." My voice faded into a whisper as I said the last part, looking down at my hands.

Aspen moved and sat next to me. "Hey, listen to me. You're going to have fun tonight with Christian. Catch up, talk about how you've been, ask him how baseball is, just casual things like your friendship. You two were inseparable when we were younger, this is going to be good for you, okay?" I nodded, looking at her.

My phone pinged, causing me to look and see who texted me. It was Christian.

Christian: i think i have the right address? looks like a house you would live in.

I laughed at the message, standing up and walked to the door. "I'll see you, Aspen." I said as I walked out the door and was greeted with Christian's nice ass Camaro. Damn, baseball is treating him good.

Christian got out of the car and froze in his tracks. "Holy fuck, Nadia." He smiled. "You look good." He said as he opened the passenger door for me.

"Thank you." I giggled and got in the passenger seat and waited for him to get back in his seat. "You don't look too shabby either." I said as I laughed.

He looked more than just 'shabby', he looked fucking handsome.

safe with me. / c yelich. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now