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(Your girl started ANOTHER fan fic...I have lots of ideas for fics so I started one called "rebuilding", so if you wanna check that out! It's a lil bit of a sad one but you'll like it!!)

n a d i a .

Christian was in Miami for an away series and I decided to let Wyatt stay home with Aspen as I went to Los Angeles for a modeling gig. It had been the first time in a while that I was getting back into modeling. I finally had gotten confident with my body and my agency finally allowed me to travel and book some gigs.

I tried to watch Christian's game as much as I could, but I was busy all day at the shoot, I was ready for a nap, in all honesty. He hadn't really talked to me much today, but I knew since he was back in his 'stomping' grounds, I knew the pressure was going to be on him. I was nervous for him.


c h r i s t i a n .

My mind went crazy being back in Miami. It had been the first time in a while that I was back playing here and I wasn't in a Marlins uniform. Definitely felt weird. It felt even more weird knowing that Nadia was half way across the country from me and I would give anything for her to be here and cheering me on.

We had won game one and I was ready to sleep and get myself prepped for tomorrow.

When the next morning rolled around, I checked my phone. No calls or texts from Nadia; That was weird. Usually I would have at least one text or missed call from her wishing me good luck or saying good morning. Maybe she hadn't woke up yet, it was pretty early back in California in comparison to Florida.

I got out of bed and got myself in the shower, not taking too long before wrapping myself in a towel and walked back into where my bed was and rubbed my eyes. I grabbed my shorts and a t-shirt, slipping those on before grabbing my things to head over to the park.

I arrived at the stadium and walked into the visitors clubhouse, going right to the trainer so I could put some heating packs on my back for a little bit before I went out to batting practice. As I laid on the bench allowing the heat to run through my muscles, I heard the door open, thinking it was just one of the trainers.

"It's about time you actually take care of your back." A familiar voice said as I sat up quickly and saw it was Nadia. I instantly got a huge smile on my face as Nadia embraced me in her arms. I pulled her close to me hugging her as tightly as I could without hurting her.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I asked her, kissing her before pulling back and looked at her again. "I thought you had a photoshoot!"

Nadia giggled, kissing my forehead, "It was only yesterday! I was gonna have a free day in LA today before I would fly home tomorrow. But, I figured I would fly out here and see my super star play in his stomping grounds. Seeing as though I never got to see you play here when you were on the team.." She said as I just kissed her again, causing her to giggle against my lips.

"You're a little shit," I commented with a chuckle, "I'm really happy you're here.." I said, laying my head against her chest as she played with my hair.

"I didn't wanna miss you playing.." Nadia said before pulling away from the hug and smiled at me, "How about after the game tonight, we go out to dinner? I'm thinking maybe a dressy occasion? I got a new dress I wanna show you.."

I nodded, loving the idea. "Of course, baby. We can have a little fun tonight." I replied, kissing her cheek before watching as Nadia moved out of the way for the trainer to come and take the heating packs off my back. "Thanks, Dave, still making sure I stay healthy even when I'm not playing for guys anymore.." I laughed and patted him on the back before he walked out. I hopped off the bed and grabbed Nadia's hand before walking out of the trainers room and to the clubhouse.


After a successful game, I was ready to celebrate with my fiance. It was always amazing to be greeted by her in a giant hug after a win, even if I was coated in sweat. We walked to the rental car hand in hand before getting in the drivers and passengers seats. I looked over at Nadia who just leaned across and kissed me, softly. I placed a hand on her cheek, kissing her back before pulling away and smiling at her. "You look beautiful."

Nadia blushed, smiling at me, "Thank you, baby. You look very handsome.." She told me as she grabbed my hand before we made our way back to the hotel.

When we got back, we both showered up and I had changed into a pair of black slacks with a casual button up shirt. When I walked out of the bathroom, I stopped and looked at Nadia, who was curling her hair and was wearing the most beautiful red slip dress. Nadia turned and looked at me with a smile, "Hi, handsome." She said as she looked back in the mirror to continue curling her hair.

I walked over by her, putting my hands on her hips from behind. "I..Wow, you look amazing..." I said, trying to formulate proper sentences. I wrap an arm around her waist, pulling her close and kissed her forehead.

Nadia giggled, looking back at me as she moved out of my grip to put on some red lipstick. "This color okay?" She asked as I nodded, unable to take my eyes off of her. I sit down, shuffling a bit in my seat as I just glance my girl up and down. I really hit the jackpot with this one.

She slipped on a pair of heels and looked over at me after spraying some perfume on, "You ready to go?" She smiled, holding out her hands, "Nice boner by the way." She giggled and my cheeks went flush red, looking down and uncomfortable shift, trying not to make the bulge obvious.

We made our way to the car and she giggled as she got in and I shot her a glare over the roof before getting in the driver's seat and drove to our destination; one Nadia would truly fall in love with.

safe with me. / c yelich. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now