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c h r i s t i a n

The guys decided to throw Nadia and I a baby shower. It was totally unexpected and totally didn't need to happen, but, I was appreciative of the guys and I know Nadia wanted to do one last little party before Willow came.

As her due date neared, I think the nerves were still there, but I think I was going to be okay. We went through this with Wyatt and I feel like this would be a little bit more easier. Sure, we were still in the season and I know that it was going to be difficult at times especially when I was away for a week at a time, but Nadia is a strong young woman, and she's got Wyatt. I was confident.


Nadia walked in the kitchen wearing a beautiful sundress and a jean jacket and smiled at me. "Are you excited for today?" She asked me and I just went up to her, wrapping my arms around her and kissed her.

Pulling back from the kiss, I nodded at her and smiled. "I am very excited. Still crazy that the guys even wanted to do this." I tell her, "They didn't have to."

"You're adored by the team, baby, and they're excited for you! Even Mike and Trav are gonna be there." When she said that, I couldn't help but smile. After Mike signed with Cincinnati and Travis with Toronto, I was pretty bummed to lose two of my close friends, but, I was glad they were coming to the shower.

"Oh, really? That's awesome." I keep the smile on my lips, "You look fucking gorgeous.."

Wyatt came running in and looked at me, "Daddy! We go?" He asked as he struggled to zip up his sweatshirt.

I crouched down and helped him zip up the sweatshirt. "Yeah, we were waiting on you, slow poke!" I poke his stomach, earning a little squeal out of him.

Nadia grabbed her purse, looking at me, "I'm ready when you are." She said with a smile as I grabbed her free hand and walked to the car with her and Wyatt.

The baby shower was going to be at the stadium as we had plenty of room in the clubhouse to host a baby shower with all the guys there. Wyatt was overly excited as he ran past Nadia and myself into the clubhouse to see his favorite guys.

"There they are!" Larisa said, smiling as she came up to us. "How are you two doing?" She asked as she hugged us both, "Nadia, you are glowing! And you look so beautiful!!"

Nadia smiled, "Thank you. We're doing good. Ready to celebrate little Willow!"

I nod and hug Larisa back before going to mingle with the guys. I come up behind Travis and put my hands on his shoulders, "So, just can't stay away from us?" I laugh and he turns around, pulling me into a hug.

"My best bud is having another kid, I'm not gonna miss the baby shower!" Travis replied, "Wyatt was pretty excited to see me as well." He laughed, "How have you been doing? Handling everything okay?"

I nodded at him, "Yeah, for sure. Definitely feeling a lot better with this round. I think now that we've been through it, we know what to expect. I think it's because this baby is really a miracle."

"Oh, yeah! That's awesome, though, man. So, Willow?"

"Yeah, Nadia really liked the name. Willow Rain; It's got a nice little ring to it. I wasn't really looking at doing anything with a theme or having both of our kids have a name starting with a W, but, I really liked Willow Rain, so I am totally fine with it." I tell him, sitting down at a table, "And Nadia's been taking this pregnancy like a damn champ. I'm so proud of her."

Travis nodded and we talked for a little bit to catch up. Definitely was going to miss him in Milwaukee.


A little while later, I walked up to Nadia and wrapped my arms around her from behind, resting my hands on her stomach as I kiss her cheek. "Hi, baby momma.."

Nadia turned around and smiled at me, "Hi, handsome. Caught up with everyone?"

I nod, "Yeah, they wanna do presents and whatnot soon...If that's okay with you."

"For sure, baby! I'm fine with that. I need to sit down anyways, my feet are killing me.." She looked at me and I just led her over to a table, "Would you be mad if I asked you if you would give me a foot rub when we got home later?"

"I don't mind that at all, babe. I know your feet get painful, gotta make sure you're not hurting." I tell her, kissing her cheek again before Larisa came over, smiling. "Gifts?"

Larisa nodded, "Gifts! We all decided to pitch in together and get you guys some things but also Willow because this shower is about her, right?" She laughed, handing us the first gift. "This one is from Orlando and his girl."

I nod, handing the gift to Nadia as she opens it to see a homemade sign with Willow's name painted on it. "Woah, did you guys design this?"

"She wanted to make something custom for her. Something to hang on the wall or on the door," 'Lando told us and I just looked at the sign, smiling. It was awesome.

"I love this.." Nadia said, "This will definitely go above her crib.." She looked at me and I nodded in agreement.

The next gift we opened as a huge gift basket for the two of us with bath stuff, wine, chocolate.

"This'll be perfect for relaxation nights. When you're able to drink wine." I say, chuckling. "This is awesome, thank you."

As we got through the gifts, a couple of them were Brewers stuff, but mostly things we needed for Willow and even some things for Wyatt. These guys went above and beyond and I was beyond thankful for them, honestly. I don't know how I got so lucky with such an incredible group of teammates that were basically a second family to me.

The last gift we opened was from Ryan and Larisa. I let Nadia unwrap the present. Inside was a framed photo of the ultrasound of Willow with a poem next to it,

"We treasure this first glimpse of you.
The amazing miracle of life is true.
So small, yet, awesome of what you'll become.
Grow strong and healthy, our little one.
We are here dreaming and waiting.
Wishing, preparing, and anticipating.
Each day is a step closer to a life anew.
Each day, a touch closer to holding you."

Nadia was tearing up as she read the poem and got up, hugging Larisa, "Thank you so much... I love it.." She sniffled, wiping under her eyes.

"You are so welcome. I know you two wanted another baby more than anything, and losing the first one took a toll on you. This baby is truly a miracle baby and we all are excited for you." Larisa told Nadia as she hugged her again.

I look at the poem again, looking at the ultrasound as well. Willow was truly a miracle to us, and I couldn't wait to welcome her to the world and show her how loved she truly is. She wasn't even born and she already was so adored and loved by everyone. Especially her older brother. Wyatt was ready to meet his little sister, and ready to make sure she was always protected. I couldn't ask for a better life.

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