Simple and Clean - Law x Reader

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A/N: This dose take place in real world. But you get dragged into One Piece World.

Disclaimers ; I don't own Kingdom Hearts or it music. 

Your POV

N/Y was sitting at her computer listening to Kingdom Hearts soundtrack as she was looking through One Piece pictures. "Maybe I should watch more One Piece" with an sigh as she pulled up an site that had the Episodes on them. You was on  punk hazard arc you love this arc as much you love one piece itself. Everything started off normal until your computer went black and the site crushed. "What the?! HEY I was watching that!" with an mutter.

You shut the labtop down with an sigh as she drifted off sleep  your laptop started to get warm then you was wrapped up in light then vanished into the computer itself. Upon crashing down onto an cold part of punk hazard you just wearing your (f/c) night shirt with black shorts. The cold breeze haven't woke up yet. Thinking this was all an dream she felt someone pick you up then carried you off back to the house.

Few hours passed since you crashed into snowy and cold place. Upon opening your eyes your (e/c) notices this wasn't your room fact you laying in an bed covered in wool blanket.  Not thinking about what just happen. "Where am I? this not my bedroom..." In low voice before there was an dark figure standing in the corner of the room. "Your inside my room. I founded you passed out in the cold.. Dressed like that you'll get sick." The figure sounded to you as her eyes shifted notices an very familiar face with an white and spotted hat also.

"I must be dreaming..." You mutter before pulling the covers over her face thinking this wasn't happening to you. 'HOW THE HELL DID I ENDED UP HERE?' your face was red from the moment you woke up in his bed. "Who are you?" He asked upon sitting up the bed peeling the covers. "My name is Y/N" you answered.

"It's nice meet you Y/N I'm Law." This had be an joke! was he the real thing or was she in coma state you poked your skin to see if this was real. "I'm not dreaming..." Blinking before kicking the covers off. This was going be long day.

Few weeks passed since you arrived in One Piece world Law decided make you part of his crew. Your job was being the cook since you love cook alot after getting to know everyone. You become open to everyone every your own captain that you have feelings for. After you got done cleaning and eating dinner the ship was docked at an island. You figure everyone was  busy getting  ready for the long trip.

You decided to leave and head to the beachside. This dose remind you of Destiny Island from Kingdom Hearts series. Only different was this wasn't Kingdom Hearts but another world you never thought you ended up at. Without warning you started singing 'Simple and Clean'

When you walk away You don't hear me say please Oh baby, don't go Simple and clean is the way that your making me feel tonight It hard to let go

You've been giving me to many things Lately you're all I need You smiled at me and said

Don't get me wrong I love you But does that mean I have to meet you're father? When we're older you'll understand What I meant when I said, "No I don't think life is quite simple"

When you walk away You don't hear me say please Oh baby, dont go Simple and clean is the way that your making me feel tonight It hard to let go

Not noticing there was someone watching you. The figure stood there with an smirk on his face. You kept singing.

The daily things that keep us busy Are confusing me That's when you said I wish I could prove I love you But does that mean I have to walk on water? When we're older you'll understand It's enough when I say so And maybe some things are that simple

Hold me Whatever lies beyond this morning Is a little later on Regardless of warnings, the future doesn't scare me at all Nothings like before

"What was that Y/N-ya?" The voice made you jump upon seeing your captain staring at you.

'HE HEAR ME?!' With an blush cross your face.

"I-I.." You cut off by Law pulling you into his arms. "That was very beautiful.." In whisper.

Your face turned red upon his words. That song was very close to your heart. Then sudden pair lips touched your. In shock you did not know what to do your heart was racing every second. You kissed him back. "I love you." You said in low voice.

"I love to too.. Stay with me and Don't leave me." With that you both went back to the ship.

A/N: OKAY it's not my best one. This was my first Shots.. I'm not sure if I'm going take requests or not.. I hope you guys enjoy it.

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