Chapter 1 - New Beginnings

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Make sure to check the sequel
"Life next to him - 2"


It's already 5am and I'm still awake. Fighting with my mom really gets me over the edge since I feel a knot building up in my stomach. It's rude of me to say but some times, I wish I could punch her in the face and scream at her with anger. These last few months have been really tough with me trying to figure out life, and balance everything including my mom's attitude. My dad always says it's just a phase but I don't buy it. They have been together for so long and it seems that his nerves are already in good terms with her awful attitude.

"Tessa honey why are you still awake?" I heard my dad saying while opening the door really slowly.
"You will fall asleep in class if you don't get some rest" he added.

"I'm fine dad" I replied with a crooked smile.
"I hope you are not still upset over that fight earlier. You know your mom, always screaming her head off"

"I'm used to her attitude. I just wish she would let me live my life the way I want and not according to her"

"I know what you mean, and I cheer for you. She just worries honey" he said and sat next to me turning on the light.

"I know I fucked up. I know it already, but I really didn't see this coming" A frown appeared on my face and my dad hugged me to ease my pain.

"Boys will be boys Tess. At least he didn't cause any further damage and you figured it out, before it was too late. You deserve better, so don't punish yourself for something that wasn't your fault"

"Why can't boys stop thinking with the head between their legs for once in their life? Is it too much to ask for?" I said while crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"Of course not... Listen, I know that your mom blamed you for whatever happened but Its not your fault. You fell for him like anyone else might had. Just be happy it's over"

"I am. I just hate it when mom repeats herself about it.

I told you Tessa, I told you he was gonna hurt you!
You never listen cause you think you know better!
I replied with that mocking face of mine.

My dad was very sympathetic of the whole situation and slowly made me realise that life is full of lessons and whatever happens we have to face it and move on.
Next thing I remember was waking up because of my alarm clock. I must have dozed off because my head was so heavy and I could feel a dizzyness coming around.

Boy I'm not staying awake this late anymore.

Coming down for breakfast seemed like a real challenge because nowhere in hell I wanted to face my mom.

"Morning Tess, how are you feeling?" my dad asked while reading his newspaper.

"Where is mom?"

"She left earlier today, she had some errands to do".

"Good.. I already feel better".

"Tessa...Sooner or later you will have to face her" he replied full of concern.

"Later sounds great". I grabbed my coffee from the counter, kissed my dad goodbye and headed out.


As much as I like winter, November sucks. Period. Mostly because its my birthday that I dont see why celebrate, and secondly because its the coldest month of the year, according to my temperature levels. It's these cold mornings that I wish I had a car to call my own and never use the bus or train again. All this hustle in the morning, isn't helping.
The bus was unusually packed for such an early time but I didn't pay much attention. I plugged my headphones and sat down waiting patiently for the ride to be over.

Life next to him - H&T [COMPLETE] Where stories live. Discover now