Chapter 5 - What about my feelings?

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I can't believe she stormed off like this, but I couldn't possibly tell her the truth. Yes, I'm a shitty person, I sleep with every chick that throws herself at me but that's none of her business. She doesn't know me, and she shouldn't. I mean, she is cute and all but she can't come between me and my business. On the other hand she is right. It's sick, so sick...

I walked around the woods for a while thinking about Tessa.

Theres nothing special about this chick

Stop worrying about her Hardin

You barely know her

Those were a few of the thoughts that were crossing my head that moment. I started walking back to the car since there was rain pouring down and it was getting late. I was supposed to meet my buddies and go for a drink, let ourselves loose. I'll probably end up fucking a random wasted girl again but at this point I didn't care.

As I was driving down the empty road, I noticed a girl walking at the side covering her head with a messy jacket. She had those shinny blond hair with the curves right underneath.

"Wait" I said to myself "I know this ass".

It's Tessa.

I slow down and start driving beside her. When reaching closer I roll down the window to talk to her.

"Need a ride?" I shout at her.

"No thanks" she says quickly.

"Tessa come on now. Stop being childish"

"Leave me alone Hardin" she scolds at me.

I suddenly stop the car and burst out. I run towards her and lift her up my shoulders before she even starts protesting.

"PUT ME DOWN HARDIN" she shouts while punching my back with her tiny hards. I must admit it was kind of cute. I open the passenger door and literally shove her in.

"Quiet" I tell her as I close the door on her. I return back to my seat as I notice the frown in her face. It reminded me of a little child that had just a lollipop taken away.

"How dare you" she shouts as I am already driving away.

"Next time you can just do as you are told" I tell her with a serious tone.

"You weren't like that at the Mall" she says and lays back on the seat sounding upset.

"What do you mean?"

"You seemed nice"

"I am nice" I tell her.

"Yeah I see that" she says and points me with her finger.

I immediately pull over and stop the car, turning towards her.

"What's wrong?" she asks worried.

"Can you tell me why you care about who I fuck or not?"

"I don't give a flying fuck Hardin"

"Yeah... I see that!" I scold back.

She crosses her arms in front of her waist and remains silent trying to avoid my questions.

"Tessa!" I tell her and gently grab her chin to make her look at me. A heavy breath leaves her mouth as her back suddenly straightens to my touch.

"Talk to me" I add, trying to understand why she was so bothered.

"Back at the mall..." she starts saying


"It seemed like you liked me" she says and pulls away from my hand.

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