Chapter 34 - Mystery Box

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"Honey, I love you but I would never wear this"

"Come on Josh, I need to get her something"

"Since when do you need to get a gift for Kate, you dont even hang out"

"Well... I feel bad for what happened at her party, and she has been very helpful and nice to me"

"If you insist, but I dont need to remind you that she was fucking your boyfriend"

"Josh!" I loudly said causing some heads to turn.

"Okay... sorry" he mumbled and dropped the topic.

Kate didnt know about my crush on Hardin and she was honest about everything, getting a gift for her was the least I could do. After everything that happened these past weeks, me and Hardin still have trouble addressing our relationship. He doesn't call me his girlfriend or introduces me as anything rather than... Tessa. I'm extremely confused considering that his almost last words were Tessa I love you. I want to talk with him about it but he seems to avoid the topic, not to mention that everytime someone comes over his house, it feels like he is embarrassed that I am there.

"Hey Tess... you okay?" Josh asked snapping me out of my daze.

"Yeah just thinking about me and Hardin"

"And how is that going?"

"Not good" I admit, letting go of the bags I'm holding and leaning on the rail bar of the Mall's second floor.

"But I thought you guys were together? Like... he said he loved you..."

"Yeah... but he has been distant. Different distant"

"When will you see him again?" Josh asked.

"Tonight... I'm supposed to spend the night"

"I suggest you start a small but calm conversation. Catch him off guard, he can't be mad at you on Christmas Eve"

"I hope so, cause I'm not in the mood to fight" I admitted and picked up my bags to continue walking.

We spent the rest of the day in a small cafe, talking about each other's plans for Christmas. Josh invited me to go camping with his family and I really want to join them. It would be weird to leave Hardin alone now that he is recovering but I feel like I need to breath some fresh air and spend some quality time with my best friend.

"It's okay Tess, I'll drive you at home" Josh offered, throwing away his empty cup and I simply nodded, there is no way I'm calling my dad. I haven't shared the news with him yet and I'll keep it a secret until I have the right answers. Innocent until proven guilty, that's what they say, and I'll stick with that.

"Just talk with Hardin and your parents and let me know" Josh said "I dont want to spend one night with my cousin in the same tent, he snores and farts till there is nothing left!"

Poor Josh! I would love to join them.

"Sure thing, I'll talk with them and call you tomorrow morning"

"Cant wait!" he said and slowly drove away.



"What do you mean you are lonely? Isn't Hannah there to keep you company?" I shout over the phone to Molly who is busting my balls.

"Fine... but just for a while" I finally tell her.

She wants to pass by to kill her time. I can't say I mind but Tessa will be here soon and I want to avoid the interrogation. Molly knows what's going on between us and I'm glad she keeps the details for herself. She is as fucked up as I am but she cooperates and doesn't create drama... at least not very often.

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