Chapter 24 - Is she gone?

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I slammed the door behind me while leaving Hardin and Chris. I couldn't handle his words or the fact that he didn't even try to come clean about everything. I love him, I really do, with all my heart, but thinking he was involved in anything bad or risky, specially involving me in any way was scaring the shit out of me. All my stuff were back at the hotel and I had to go get them. All I wanted was to leave this place and not come back. Walking away I was hoping to hear Hardin's voice call me back or chase me, but of course nothing.

I make my way back at the hotel trying to spend sometime alone in the room to clear my head. I wanted to extract more information out of him to know the whole picture, but there was no way Hardin would tell me anything more. Thoughts of packing my back and return immediately in Washington were crossing my head but my phone ringing interrupted them. I run to get the phone out of my back mumbling Hardin's name hoping it's him but to my horror it's my mother. I hesitated at first but then I picked up.

"Hey mom"

"Tessa where the hell have you been?" To my surprise it was my dad calling through my mom's phone.

"Dad? Why are you calling me from mom's phone?" I asked curiously.

"It doesn't matter... Can you please answer my question?"

I let a sigh come out and with a deep breath I came clean to him.

"I've been in London actually" I said in a slow voice.

"London? what.... since when?"

"After we finished dinner with you. .. I mean,  a few hours later"

"Tessa are you out of your mind? what's going on?" he asked me with frustration in his voice.

"It's not a big deal. Hardin had some business here and I followed"

"Oh you just followed... to the other side of the world, alone, with some guy without telling us anything"


"Don't dad me" he said interrupting my words.
"I've been nothing but supportive Tess, but this is too much"

"I know dad, I had to follow him though"

"No Tessa. You didn't. And what I'm pissed about is that you lied about it"

"I'm sorry... I truly am" I said, kneeling on the floor.

"You should be. Not to mention telling Josh to keep it a secret"

Just as I was about to say something, the door opens and Hardin walks in, stumbling on the suitcases.

"Dad... I... I got to go" I said and ended the call practically on his face. I knew my actions would have consequences but at this point it didn't matter. He did.

"Hardin..." I softly said.

"What?" he asked annoyed. Something seemed off and I honestly couldn't tell if he was drunk or just extremely pissed at me.

"Why are you stttill here" with that following, I knew he was drunk.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"You bloody left"

"you bloody made me" I said crossing my arms in front of me mocking his words.

"Bullshit" he said and headed right in the bathroom.

I didn't bother with his attitude and acted cool. I was anyway going to leave and head back home tomorrow or the day after that. I quickly changed into something more comfortable and went to bed. I've been so exhausted with everything that went down, not to mention I've been desperately trying to delete the images from that video that was sent to me. Even if I believed his explanation, there were things that wouldn't add up but he wouldn't help me understand.

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