Chapter 8 - Stay away from her

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I was supposed to drive everybody at Kates house, but I wasn't really in the mood for it. Bill, Jack, Molly and Hannah were waiting for me to bring the car and get over with it.

"Come on mate, we are going to be late" Bill said.

"Why don't you drive yourself then?"

"Jesus, what's up with you" Molly said.

"Just not in the mood" I replied.

"Where were you yesterday?" Molly asked. "Didn't see you at lunch break"

"I just had some business to take care"

"Oh business.." Hannah says.

The drive was mostly silent from my side since all the others were talking about how wasted everyone will get and have a great time. I was so bored listening to the same shit everytime we were going out. The whole college was going to be there, and I thought that since Kate invited everyone, she might also be there. Tessa. My Tessa.
I couldn't help but think how her little innocent and pure soul will go through such a fucked up night. With drunk guys all over her.

We arrived at her front door and I could already tell everyone was waisted as hell. Some were doing drugs outside and some others were hooking up in different corners. I was probably going to end up doing the same to distract my self from her. I got a drink and made my self comfortable in the big couch, Hannah never leaving my side trying to get all sexy with me.

"Knock it off, will you"

"Damn Hardin, what's up with you"

"Nothing. Go find your boyfriend"

"He is probably somewhere drunk. I thought I have some fun myself" she said slowly rubbing my hair.
"Are you going to find Kate?" She asked.

"Not really"

"Now that's a first"

"Piss off will ya" I said annoyed.

"Seriously Hardin, what's going on? "

"Nothing. Just not in the mood"

"Maybe I can help with that..." she says and starts rubbing my chest.

"Hannah... stop."

"But we had so much fun the last time"

"Exactly, one time. It's over now"

"Suit yourself Scott. I thought you would like to make me scream your name once again" she whispered "But that's fine, I'll find someone else" she said and stood up. Without thinking clearly, I grabbed her hand to stop her from leaving.

"Wait..." I said. She then placed her arms around my neck seductively and continued "So many rooms, its a pity to let them go to waste..."

"Follow me" I grabbed her wrist and dragged her upstairs. I knew it was wrong. I knew it meant nothing but I had to distract myself from Tessa. Besides, it looked like she was nowhere to be found. Maybe if I was fucking Hannah but think of Tessa, it would ease my pain.

Who am I kidding...

When we reached the second floor, I aggressively pushed Hannah towards the wall to start kissing her, but then I stopped dead in my tracks. It was her.
I saw Tessa locking herself in the bathroom, with tears in her eyes. Immediately I got disgusted with myself from almost hooking up with Hannah and stopped her before she kissed me.

"Hannah... you better go" I said, throwing her hands away from my neck.

"What the fuck?"

"I said leave"

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