Chapter 39 - Plan A

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It's been a day since we arrived at the camping site and I must say my mom was right. I already miss the comfort of my room and the warm fuzzy blanket tangled between my legs... and Hardin of course. No matter how mad I am at him, I can't help but deeply miss him. I carry my phone around even if its turned off like a psycho, hoping that god will show mercy on me.

Things here are running smooth, the only problem is Josh's older cousin Mark. Josh says he is a god damn player and has to hit on every woman crossing his life. He is a very polite gentleman, I must admit, a few years older with a well toned body and incredibly hot dark eyes. But... he is an ass and that's what matters.

Uhg, I hate those kind of people

As long as he keeps his hands to himself, it will all be fine. Mark hasn't really approached me, but I can feel his eyes literally going through my clothes. I won't say he ain't good looking but Hardin had my heart from the very first moment and it will stay this way. He made me his and no one will ever take this away from me no matter how much of an asshole he really is.

"Hey Tess, you okay?" Josh came and sat down next to me. I've been gazing around the pond for a while just thinking about everything.

"Yeah... sort off"

"Thinking about him huh?"

"Yeah... I can't help it Josh, I miss him so much"

"Tess, I know he is a fucking ass but if you miss him that much, why don't you try and call him? You are onpy torturing yourself here"

"I can't... I simply can't... he had a gun Josh, I mean... Who is he?"

"I know girl, its fucking scary but there must be an explanation"

"There is always one, but Hardin makes sure I never hear it"

"Actually... back when you guys went to London, wasn't he supposed to explain?"

"Yeah he was. But then the whole mafia kidnapping thing happened and basically he saved my life. I still haven't got over rhis whole thing, it only adds to my frustration. He sort of explained some things but I never found the root of his problem..."

"I see..." he said and gave me a warm hug. "Think about it though, you need to demand an answer"

"I will, when we return home" I said and went back to stare at the quiet pond, that managed to calm down my nerves.



I didn't sleep last night... how could I? Tessa's dad is a mafia leader and wants my fucking head! I honestly don't care what he is doing, but Tessa is in danger. Thankfully his people had nothing to do with the ones that kidnapped Tessa or else things would have been extremely weird.

After leaving her house, I immediately called Vince now that I had a hold of his number and asked for more information. Richard Young, has been leading a huge mafia group called "Underground". They import and export huge amounts "medicine" in the US and Mexico. That would also explain the fact that this man is rich as hell, because when I say medicine, I mean fucking drugs!

Pacing around the house this morning, I kept on calling Tessa's phone but with no luck. She is still mad at me. Then I thought that maybe her dad being the criminal that he is, would help me gain her trust. All I needed was a well executed plan. With no second thoughts, I quickly went out and jumped on my car, heading south towards Bill's house. Now this guy was an expert when it came in technology. If there was someone who could help me corner this man with proof was Bill.
Pulling on the driveway, Bill waved at me from the balcony.

"Yo man, long time no see!"

"Get in Bill, it's important" I said and motioned him to come open the door.

"What's so important it couldn't wait till afternoon?" Bill asked while opening the door and gesturing me to go in.

"You are awake man, dont whine like a bitch"

"Haaa, I see you haven't changed" Bill chuckled.

"I'll make this fast, but I need your help"

"Anything wrong with Jack or Hannah?"

"No... I mean the usual, why?"

"Nothing we just got a bit apart, specially after what happened between you and Hannah... that was tough"

"I know... but... it wasn't like that!"

"Cool your jets man, Molly told me and she was the reason Jack didn't come after you. We all knew Hannah was a bitch"

"That indeed!" I said and took a seat on his couch.

"Let me guess... its about this Tessa girl? The prude?"

"Bill... watch your mouth"

"So it is about her" he said with a smirk "Did you do her yet?" he aksed with a raised brow.

At this point I felt my blood boiling and anger consuming me further. I wanted to grab his throat and squeeze him to death, but then I remembered I kind off needed him.

"No... I haven't" I said. I didn't want to talk about my private business and it felt right to protect the intimate moments we shared only between us. I know Tessa wouldn't like me to talk about this with anyone, about how good I made her feel and shout my name with every thrust I gave her that night... God damn...

"Yo, earth yo Hardin!" Bill shouted.

"Uhmm... no, no, I didn't sleep with her" I said and cleared my throat.

"Yeah, I'm not surprised, those virgins are playing hard to get but deep inside all they want is a dick to fuck them senseless!"

I swear I'll fucking kill him!

"Anyway man, I was hoping you could help me out with something. Do you still use this bug thing?"

"You mean the phone bug?" Bill asked and I nodded in response.

"Yeah of course! As a matter of fact, nowdays you can bug a phone just by hacking it"

"Awesome. I need to bug someone's phone... from work... I mean... he is being a total ass and I have a feeling he is hiding things from the boss"

"Since when do you care about a damn snitch?... are you sure it's this or..."

"Listen man, this asshole can cost me my job so I want him gone. Got it?"

"Yeah alright, just give me his phone number and full name, I'll take care of it tonight"

"Okay so how will it work?"

"I'll make it transcript the conversations and send you a copy as a pdf file on your phone"

"Great! I owe you man"

"Yeah, yeah just make sure you take us out for a few drinks"

"Help me get this ass out of my way, and your next night out will be on my tab"

After a few shots that Bill poured us, I was on my way home. I felt relieved that he was able to help, because I honestly had no idea how to take this asshole down. Even if I talk with Tessa directly, she would never believe me, and I of course wouldn't blame her. A lying criminal boyfriend is one thing, but a lying criminal father is beyond every thought. I know how close she is with her dad and It only makes my position ten times worse, to actually expose her sorry excuse of a father in front of her.

Walking into my apartment, feeling a lot better, I made my self comfortable on the couch when I saw Josh's name flash on my screen. I remember calling him a few times knowing that he was with Tessa but he would never answer.

"Josh... I've been calling you... WHAT?"

Author's Note
Hey guys :) This is a small filler chapter, I hope you all enjoy how the story is going cause shit is about to go downnnn 😅😂

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