Chapter 14 - Decisions

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Josh and I have been talking about moving in together since we both can't really stand the situation in our houses. My salary at the diner was more than enough to cover for me and Josh just landed a job as a salesman in a clothing store. I knew someone would recognise his talent and give him a chance around the fashion section, it wasn't much but at least it was a start. He was very excited and really looked forward to his first day.

Josh's parents didn't seem to mind, in fact his father said he was very proud of him, finally leaving his parent's wings. He was the only one making progress on accepting Josh's sexuality and the two of them have been very close lately. Unlike his mom and two brothers who were very judgmental about almost everything. They all loved him deeply, that was for sure. Regarding my side, I knew I would have to call my mom and talk to her about my decision, besides I've been meaning to visit my home to catch up with dad who had just returned from Paris.

I decided to call her and see if she was available for me to pass by.

"Tessa? I'm so glad you called" My mom said.

"Yeah, how are you doing?"

"Your father and I are good, we just miss you a lot"

"I miss you both as well, me and Josh are having a lot of fun, I almost forgot about home"

"At least you are happy and this is what matters. How about you two come over for dinner tonight?"

"That's nice of you, but I would like to have a private conversation with you and dad"

"Tessa is everything okay?"

"Yeah everything is fine, just wanted to let you guys know about some future plans"

"Oh that's great,pass by any time then"

"Will do, see you soon" I said and ended the call.

My mom seemed to be in a good mood, so I was hoping she wouldn't freak out about me moving out. I'm pretty positive that my dad will approve of my decision but my mom will never agree without putting up a fight first.

Josh immediately started looking for apartments close to college, but everything seemed to be taken. We couldn't afford anything huge but a small little cozy apartment would do the trick. He kept calling to check the availability, and he seemed so into it, so I decided to let him handle it while I took my time to get ready for today's dinner.

"Are you going to tell them you are moving out?"

"Yeah... I'll try at least"

"Please record the announcement moment, I'd like to see your mom's face" He said while laughing.

"Oh boy... don't make me more nervous"

"Don't worry girl, I think it will be fine, they will see it as mature kind of move"

"I hope so, cause there is no way I'm going back there. I'll miss my dad though"

"You dad is an angel, sometimes I'm wondering how he can stand your mom"

"That's something I've been wondering too. For so many years..."

"I guess love is blind, as they say"

"Yeah, I guess so" I stayed quiet for a few moments while I was looking myself at the mirror wearing the blouse Hardin got me.

"... Josh?..."


"Do you think Hardin loves me? "

"I think so. I don't think he knows it though"

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