Chapter 33 - Medicine

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I've been going back and forth between mine and Hardin's house trying to help him get back up. He has been grumpy and moddy as hell even though I only mean good. Police has tried to get some more information out of him but he insists there is nothing more for them to know. He still hasn't explained much but I'm tired of pushing things and ending up fighting.

Today it's Christmas Eve and is my last chance to get gifts for my family and friends. College is still closed and me and Josh have been hanging out more than ever. I'm proud to say that I even rearranged the appointments with my therapist. I'm supposed to meet Josh at the mall but buses aren't operating today.

"Mom, is there anyway you could drive me to the mall?"

"Oh baby, I'll be busy today, I'm sure dad is available"

"I'll make sure to check with him" I replied and made my way downstairs to the basement. I can't say I ever understood my dad's work but whenever he was locking himself down here it was pretty serious. I approached the half closed door and when I was about to knock, I heard my dad yelling, probably because he was on the phone with someone.

"I already told you. I don't care"

"You have to pull this through. I won't lose millions because of you"

"I want him dead..."

What the fuck?!

He said dead. My dad wants somebody dead. No. Maybe I misunderstood, there is no way my da-

"Tess.... baby" my dad said opening the door and interupting my thoughts. If I could see my face right now, I'm sure it would look terrified as hell.

"Y-yeah, well... I wanted to ask you something" I slowly replied.

"Couldn't it wait till I was done?"

"I was kinda in a rush and..."

"It's okay baby. Tell me what is it?" he asked with calmness in his face. Actually no, guilt. Guilt and evil in his face. Like a psychopath that just murdered someone, casually washed his bloody face and continued with his day. That man right here, wasn't my dad.

"Well... I need a ride to the mall, I'm meeting Josh" I quickly replied.

"Sure thing, just let me grab my keys. See you upstairs?" he asked and I nod in agreement flying back upstairs.

I dont know if I should talk with my mom or go to the police even. He has been locking himself down there almost since that day that me and Hardin came back from hospital. He is now distant and there is something... off.


"Yes? Is your dad driving you?"

"Y-yeah in any minute now... Listen, I wanted to ask you what kind of work is dad doing now?"

"Well he is involved in trades as you know, imports and exports"

"Okay... and what is he trading?"

"Well last time we talked he mentioned something about health department, I think medicine"

Okay now that was weird

"Why do you ask?"

"Well... n-nothing important. He just seems very busy lately" I lied.

"Yeah, there's a good amount of money involved" she replied with a half smile.

I just sat around the kitchen island waiting for my dad, replaying my mom's words over and over again. Something was indeed off, even if he was supposed to handle medicine, there is no way on earth we are talking about millions or needing someone dead... right?


While waiting for my dad, I thought to check with Hardin but he didn't pick up. I guess he was asleep, he has been trying to walk lately but the pain only makes him angrier and easily tired from the constant efforts.

"Ready sweetie?" my dad asked with a smile up to his ears. Guilty ass.




The pain isn't going away and even though my bandages are gone I'm still having trouble walking or even do anything. I feel like a complete mess and all I do is being an ass towards the only human that stood by me after this whole thing. Tessa.

I'm expecting her today to spend Christmas Eve chilling in the bed and watch some shitty movie on Netflix, that she is probably going to choose. I don't mind, unless she is happy I don't care what the fuck we are going to watch.

I got pulled out of my rumbling because of my fucking ringtone. I hoped it was her but I saw an unknown ID and I immediately frowned.


"Not a nice way to greet your boss now innit?"

"What do you want?"

"You owe me money"

"You'll get your money. Dude, I just got shot and alsmot died because of your freaking dealing, give me a break will ya"

"Listen up you shit. Business isn't going to wait for your sorry ass. You have to do something for me"

"Fine... what is it?"

"There is this ferry from Sanghai. Its loaded"

"And what am I supposed to do?"

"One of my guys will drop off a package at your place. All you have to do is take out those on board from a distance"


"That's right. The shipment belongs to a very rich man. He was about to sell it in the black market for millions but if you pull this through... its ours"

"Yeah, I got it"


"Do I even have a choice?"

"No... but thought to sound polite"

"Ha Ha"

"Listen kid. They know your face, they are expecting you so try not to be seen or else..."

"Fuck man I know! I better get something huge out of this if its millions you are talking here"

"Let me worry about that. Ferry arrives tomorrow at 8pm sharp. Later"

Was his last sentence after hanging up on me. Great, just great. More trouble. At least I won't have to fight anyone this time. Let's see how this guy will react when his millions fly away, but my biggest issue here was Tessa.

Am I supposed to lie again or come clean towards her?

Author's Note

Hey guys , I'm sorry for not updating the previous week but I lost my grandma, with a very sudden way and things have been very hard for me and the family. I didn't want to leave the house or do anything. I felt a bit better yesterday so I thought to try and update! Hope you guys like it, see you all on Monday ❤️

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