Chapter 9 - She did what?

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As I opened my eyes, I felt my whole body being ten times heavier. All I could do is move my eyes around and examine my surroundings. White walls, monitors, a few chairs and a very bad smell. But wait... I know this smell. Ew... hospitals. For a second my eyes went wide because I thought I was fucking dead. I tried to move my arms or my legs but with no luck. I laid there taking in the whole place, and tried to recall whatever happened that led me in this situation. I could see the sun slowly appearing from the window next to me, I could tell it was now morning. I don't remember much from last night, just this girl, I have never seen before screaming at me.

You whore! Stay away from him!

Her face was blurry. I could only remember a shadow, and her hands grabbing my wrists. Next thing I recalled was her slapping me across my face... and then... black. All black. I couldn't help but wonder who was she. What could I have possibly done to piss her off that much. My thoughts were interrupted from a familiar voice.

"Tessa hun. .."

My mother. Fuck. Good luck Explaining her.

"Mom... what are you doing here?"

"It's okay sweetie. You are safe now"

"I mean... How did you know I was here? "

"I got a call from... uhm.. your friend he said you were here"

Oh my poor Josh, he must be worried sick. Im so thankful he took care of me. I'm pretty convinced he would know what happened yesterday and I hope he didn't tell my mother because bye bye freedom.

"Mom..." I said quietly "I'm really sorry"

"It's okay baby. We will talk about this later"

I was thankful she didn't push it forward because I honestly wouldn't know what to tell her. I wanted to call Josh and ask him all about it but I just had to find the right opportunity without her hearing anything.

"Where is Josh? Is he outiside?" I asked her.

"Josh... Uhm no. Maybe he will pass by later"

"Can I at least have my phone?"

"Sure baby" she nodded and passed it over.

"I'll go down to the cafeteria to grab something and I'll be back soon, okay?" she said.

I shook my head positively and drifted over my phone. I had 3 missed calls from Josh, one from Kate and a text from an unknown number saying:

I'm sorry about what happened last night. I hope you feel better.
H. S.

Oh.. I exclaimed. Hardin... how did he get my number? I had so many questions and I was feeling so helpless and confused, only thing I could do was call Josh and ask him about whatever information he could give me. I knew I didn't have much time, since my mom would be back anytime soon.

"Tessa! Oh my god are you okay? I was worried sick" Josh said as he picked it up on the first ring.

"I'm fine yeah... listen..  thank you for helping me yesterday. I think I might had something to drink and then I met Hardin and then..." his voice stopped me.

"Hey Tess... wait. I wasn't the one who dropped you off at the hospital"

"What... what do you mean?"

"Hardin found you... I mean Kate. And she called Hardin"

"I don't understand... found me?"

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