CHAPTER 1: Alpha's Mate

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We have spent the past two weeks up here in England where Alpha Mort has come to go over several things with his parents about and while he was here, he ended up meeting his mate. I haven't met her yet, in fact, no one else has but we will be tonight because apparently when we leave to head back home tomorrow, she is coming with us.

I know that Mort is the Alpha and I have to follow his orders without questioning him or passing any judgement towards him in general, but he doesn't deserve a mate to be honest. Not that I should be talking since mine died years ago because I didn't protect her, but still, he's a player and has no right to be an Alpha at all, let alone have a mate that would do nothing but care and love him when he is incapable of either one.

Once again though, I have to keep it to myself. Even though also, the rest of the guys agree with me.

We had all waited for him to return from talking with his mate and the dinner had just gotten done when we heard the front door open and in walks him and this curvy beautiful girl who looked to be maybe close to my age and had long wavy deep purple hair and who looked timid and very shy as well as nervous.

"Everyone, come in here." Mort announces.

We all get up and head over to meet our future Luna.

"Is this her?" His parents say.

"Yes. This Charlize, my mate." He says the last part through gritted teeth.

I saw her wince and say 'hi' but doesn't look at us.

"Does she have a face?" His dad asks.

"Look at them." He demands her.

She slowly looks up and we are all amazed at how beautiful she is with her light brown eyes. She was so beautiful.

After we all introduced ourselves to her, she sat down next to Mort though she seemed to be stiff and unable to really move. Then I noticed her look out the corner of her eye looking at Mort and he nods his head before she next picks up a fork and begins eating.

After taking a few bites, Mort stops her.

"That's enough. You're going on a diet remember? Don't want you getting any bigger." He remarks.

We all looked at him shocked and meanwhile she looked real embarrassed.

"M-may I please use the restroom?" She asks still looking down.

"Yes. Of course." Mort's mother says.

She tells her where it's at and after she got up and left the room, we all stopped and glared at him.

"What?!" He asks frustrated.

"Son, as much as we know you don't want a mate, you have to have one in order to take my place. You must have children." His dad began to explain.

"Whatever. You guys don't have to worry about anything since I'm taking care of my predetermined destiny." He says frustrated.

Something about his parents that I still to this day don't understand is in why they allow him to be the way he is and talk to them like that.

I mean, they told me before that it was because of the rage he built up when he used to be a rogue. He once ran away when he was thirteen and didn't return until he was seventeen, that's when he had changed. Supposedly, I'm not sure since I didn't become Beta until months after his return and he was searching for a pack. I think deep down inside he doesn't want to be an Alpha.

Anyways, about his anger, he has made his parents very fearful because as strong as they are, they are still getting older and with his hatred, he developed while being a rogue, he just has turned into a monster pretty much.

When it was time to leave, Mort had told me that he was catching a flight tomorrow to return because he was meeting up with a girl tonight and didn't want his mate here.

The guys and I just rolled our eyes in disgust at him as he walked off and since the guys already took off towards the airport, I walked with Mort's mate towards the car waiting outside to take us to the airport after saying 'bye' to his parents.

During the car ride over, we shared a moment of silence as I know I could get into trouble by talking to his mate without asking him first, because that's the kind of Alpha he is though other Alpha's aren't that way.

Then again, fuck it, he isn't here. So I clear my throat before saying anything.

"You'll like the pack house. In fact, you'll like all of us. Whatever you need, never hesitate to ask." I tell her.

"Thank you." She says lowly while holding her stomach as she continued looking out the window.

Once we arrived at the airport, we met up with all the guys who were at McDonald's eating some food since we had still two hours before we could even start boarding the plane. Though it didn't matter cause we were first class anyways.

"Hey, we're getting some food. You want something?" I asked.

"No thanks. I'm fine." She says while not making any eye contact with me.

"Okay well, first of all, you can look at us. We won't tell the Alpha. You're safe with us." I assure her with a smile though deep down inside I don't know why I said that.

She looks up at me a little and smiles. We start walking over towards one of the tables the guys were sitting at while the other ones were getting food and I mind linked Delta Venom to grab her a number one and a large fry and drink.

A few moments after sitting down with the guys, they all smiled and really welcomed her like they really wanted to but couldn't cause of the Alpha.

She seemed surprised and yet eventually relaxed as she sat down next to me.

When Venom and the others walked over with drinks and bags of food, after distributing it to everyone, I placed Charlize's food in front of her and drink before we started to eat our food.

She looked at it for a moment and we all looked at her with sympathy and pity.

"Go ahead and eat. We know you're hungry. And don't listen to Alpha Mort in you needing to go on a diet because you're perfect the way you are." I wink at her before continuing to eat.

I know I'm digging my own grave here probably but I really want to try and befriend her so she feels somewhat safe with us.

"Hell yeah! Curves especially thick ones are sexy as fuck. More to grab when..." One of the Omega's says before I stop him.

"Don't be an ass." I tell him.

He stops and apologizes to her before eating some more.

I notice out the corner of my eye and see her starting to eat. She still seems to be uncomfortable a little bit but at least she's eating.

When we all finished I grabbed us some drinks and snacks before boarding the plane and right away, Charlize passed out. She looked so beautiful when she slept.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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