CHAPTER 2: Why Me?!

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I can't believe my parents practically sold me to someone. Let alone an Alpha that has the reputation of being reckless, ruthless and much of a womanizer.

After packing my things, I head downstairs and can smell a settling nice scent of pine.

"Mate." My wolf tells me but not in a happy way. "I don't like him." She says.

"I know Penelope but, we don't have a choice." I tell her sadly.

As soon as I reach the bottom of the stairs with my bags, I see him smile at me.

"Hi baby." He coos at me.

It's odd because that should make me go weak at the knees or do something amazing but does neither.

"Hi." I reply with a smile.

When I look at my father, he gestures for me to bow to Alpha Mort. Shit! So I look at Alpha Mort and bow my head to him.

"Well, she's all yours now." My mother says as my father just smiles.

Then the next thing I know, Alpha Mort walks up towards me and grabs my bags before we say goodbye and begin heading out. Although, my parents said 'bye' to him not me.

After the bags are put into the car, we take a seat in the back of the car before the driver takes off. Wow, I'm surprised he is being so nice to me knowing what his reputation is, in particular, with women.

Once we were out of the driveway, I noticed he turned cold heart real quick.

"Now listen here, I don't like this arrangement and the fact that the Moon Goddess gave me you as my mate. I never will accept you or love. However, I do need the title to replace my father in the council, so I need to have you put on a show until I can talk to the Moon Goddess about this. You will sleep in a different room, you will always obey orders and follow the rules and never disrespect me. No matter what, we are stuck with each other. And when it comes time to us having kids, you will have them and take care of them but again, nothing will come of that." He tells me firmly.

"But I thought...." I started but he slapped me really hard across the face.

"I said never disrespect me. Talking back to me is the same fucking thing!" He shouts.

I hold the side of my face and can't believe who I have been given as a mate.

"Oh and another thing. Your job at the house is to clean and cook and to serve me and the pack with whatever we want. And I'm gonna have you leave with the pack tonight as I will head back to the house later tomorrow." He says.

"O-okay." I reply under my breath trying to fight back tears.

'How could the Moon Goddess do this to me? What have I done to make her so mad?' I thought to myself.

After meeting the pack and noticing how much more of complete opposites they all are from their Alpha, especially Beta Taragon. In fact, he was hotter than Alpha and much nicer.

They welcomed me right away and after falling asleep on the whole plane ride to where they lived, I was sleeping.

Beta Taragon was very nice to me and woke me up gently on the plane. Him and the others seemed very genuinely nice and I wish that Taragon was my mate instead.

Once we made it to the pack house, I looked at how big it was and was amazed but not surprised since Mort and his family are known for being the top richest of all wolves. Meanwhile, for some cruel reason, I am a runt and get to be his mate.

"Charlize?" I hear my name being said a couple of times before I snapped out of my thoughts and looked around me as we were now in the room I'd be staying in. Which was nice and all.

"Yeah, sorry. Thanks." I replied after noticing him putting the bags down beside ny bed.

"Well if you need anything, don't ever hesitate to ask me." He says.

"Okay." I reply.

"Goodnight Charlize." He smiles before turning to start leaving.

"Wait!" I call out to him. "Where do you sleep?" I asked.

Which why the hell did I just ask him that? It shouldn't matter.

"Of course it matters. I like him more. We seriously need to talk to the Moon Goddess ASAP!" My wolf tells me.

"Shush." I tell her.

"I stay in the room right next door." He chuckles a little.

"Oh. Okay. Goodnight then." I tell him although me nor my wolf want him to go but I have a mate now and can't give off the wrong impression.

So I decide to unpack tomorrow and just get ready for bed. Though I'm not asleep for too long before I am awakened by a sharp stabbing pain that I've heard of others feeling before, it was the type of pain you got when your mate was cheating on you.

I sit up real quick and start to hold myself and get my mind off of it but can't. Then the next thing I know, I begin balling my eyes out as the pain is too unbearable.

Not too much longer after crying, I hear the door open real quick and in the next second, I quickly feel a warm embrace wrap around me while trying to smooth my hair and comfort me.

"Shh....It's okay." I hear the familiar deep husky voice say to me.

Wow, Beta Taragon is more caring and nurturing than anyone I have ever known. I must be careful though.

Next chapter will be soon! :)

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